Get 33 digital decluttering checklists for $1 each or printed checklists for $2 each during this flash sale celebration

Declutter 365 FAQs: Everything You Need To Know To Get Started

Here are answers to Declutter 365 FAQs, with everything you need to know to get started decluttering your home using this program today.

Here are answers to Declutter 365 FAQs, with everything you need to know to get started decluttering your home using this program today {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #Declutter365use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Do you want to get your home decluttered with step by step directions, without feeling overwhelm, and without making a big mess as you go along?

If so, you're in the right place.

I'm Taylor Flanery, and I have designed these Declutter 365 missions to help you slowly, over the course of the year, declutter your entire house, 15 minutes at a time!

There is a 15 minute mission every single day of the year (hence the 365 part of the name) to help you get rid of all that clutter you've accumulated, so that you can enjoy your home again.

I've designed this page to give you all the information you'll need to get started using this program today to begin to declutter your home.

Here are answers to Declutter 365 FAQs, with everything you need to know to get started decluttering your home using this program today {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #Declutter365use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

And while I feel confident the page contains links to everything you need to know to get started, I know this page only scratches the surface of all the information you'll learn as you DO the decluttering work.

The key is to jump in and get started now, and as you work on these missions you'll learn more and more, and develop a mindset of decluttering, as well as the habit of regular and consistent decluttering.

So, are you ready to dive in and take action today?

The first step, if you haven't already, is to get this year's FREE Declutter 365 printable calendar here, so you can participate with everyone else doing the daily missions (it's my gift to you, a $20 value).

To get the free printable year long calendar you'll need to subscribe to the FREE newsletter. Once you're receiving this newsletter it gives you the added benefit of regularly providing you with the relevant articles and links for the missions referenced in the calendar, so my newsletter is a great supplement to the calendar itself.

Click here to take me to this year's Declutter 365 calendar

Get Early Access To The Digital Version Of The 2025 Declutter 365 Calendar With A Small Donation

The 2025 Declutter 365 calendar is hot off the digital press, but I've still got additional work to do on the site, and around the web, to get everything ready to give it away to all subscribers, and update the additional Declutter 365 products for 2025. That additional work will probably take another couple weeks to complete. But I'm so excited I want people to get the 2025 calendar now, if they really want it! (And I'm getting asked daily when it's coming.)

Therefore, for a limited time only, when you donate to Declutter 365 and the site, with a one time donation, you can get early access to the 2025 calendar immediately, plus support this family business and help cover costs which allow me to give this basic Declutter 365 plan away for free to anyone who requests it.

Click here to donate and get instant early access to the 2025 Declutter 365 calendar

Click here to make a small one time donation

Along with getting your digital copy of the Declutter 365 calendar, you can also purchase a printed version of the Declutter 365 calendar here, and have it mailed to your home (for United States addresses only).

Get your printed 2025 Declutter 365 calendar packet

Once you have your calendar in hand, grab your timer, and look at today's mission, as listed in the calendar, and begin! Typically the missions are pretty self-explanatory, but if you want more information and instructions click the linked article, where available, on the PDF, to read more before you begin.

It's really as simple as that, but I know you may have more questions. We're all humans after all, and we want to make sure we're doing it "right."

Fortunately, you don't have to do the missions perfectly to see the progress and get the results you crave, because none of us are perfect. You'll sense a theme within these missions and on this site, which urges you to fight against perfectionism, and instead focus on progress and gradual improvement using small steps.

But I do have more answers for you below if you feel like you need more information at this time!

After all, I've been running these Declutter 365 missions for quite a while now (since 2012), and have had hundreds of thousands of people participate, so you can imagine I've gotten asked a lot of questions.

Here's my answers to many of these frequently asked questions, as well as additional lists of resources that can help you through your decluttering journey, following the steps in the Declutter 365 missions.

Get Reminders & Help Directly From Taylor With These Resources

Whenever you're embarking on a big, life-changing journey, like getting your home decluttered, it's nice to have help. So along with following the Declutter 365 calendar, you can get more help and reminders about the daily missions directly from me, Taylor.

Get Daily Reminders Of The Missions Via Text Messages

It's important to remember, each day, what your daily 15 minute mission is, so if you've got a U.S. based phone number, make sure to sign up for these daily reminders of Declutter 365 missions via text messages. They track the current year's calendar, reminding you the mission for the day. (You can click the link to read the article with more information about this product.)

How to get a text each morning telling you what to declutter that dayuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Please note that the texting service only will text to U.S. based phone numbers, so only get this if you've got a U.S. based number.

Use Declutter 365 Planner Stickers To Add Each Day's Mission To The Day's To Do List

If you live your life using a planner, like I do, you'll love these Declutter 365 planner stickers (click the link to read more information about this product).

This is a digital download formatted to allow you to print all 365 daily missions as daily to do stickers that you can stick right onto the pages of your planner. Then, each day you've got the daily task already listed in your planner, ready to incorporate into your daily to do list.

Both the dated version and an undated version of these planner stickers are available.

Use the Declutter 365 planner stickers to remember exactly what to declutter each day this year! #Declutter365 {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Stay Motivated & Encouraged, And Get Help When You Need It With The Declutter 365 Premium Facebook Group

Along with daily reminders, getting support through motivation, encouragement, and help when you need it can make the process of decluttering your home much easier, and give you the tools to succeed.

To help with all these tasks I've created a private and exclusive Facebook group that you can join where I can help you with monthly group decluttering coaching through the missions and tasks, and where I provide more tips and ideas to help you declutter your home, organize what's left, as well as focus on the skills, habits and routines necessary to maintain your space from now on.

Find out how to join the Declutter 365 Premium Facebook group here.

To set yourself up for decluttering success, make sure to take advantage of the monthly group coaching sessions from Taylor within the private and exclusive Facebook group {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #Declutter365 #Decluttering #DeclutterHelp

Pack Of 33 Printable Decluttering Checklists For Your Entire Home

Do you want to get your home decluttered, but want to choose your own time frame and order to do it in? If so, I've got the perfect resource for you -- 33 printable decluttering checklists that are a comprehensive list of everything to declutter in your entire home.

When you get this printable pack you get 63 pages of decluttering checklists, and they can be used printed or you can check off the items on the list digitally with your PDF open on your tablet or other device.

Find out more about these printable decluttering checklists here.

33 printable decluttering checklists for your entire home

Taylor's Answers To FAQs + Key How To Articles:

Along with reminders and help directly from me (as mentioned above) to get you going with the Declutter 365 program, here are answers to frequently asked questions, plus some key how to articles on the site, which can help you get going, and then stay going with these daily tasks.

FAQ: When To Start The Missions: What If It's Not January 1st?

Answer to the frequently asked question of whether it was too late to start missions, if past January 1stFAQ: When To Start The Missions: What If It's Not January 1st?

FAQ: What To Do When A Mission Takes Longer Than 15 Minutes

Answer to the frequently asked question of what to do if mission takes longer than 15 minutesFAQ: What To Do When A Mission Takes Longer Than 15 Minutes

FAQ: Whether The Missions Can Be Done In A Different Order

Answer to the frequently asked question of whether the missions can be done in a different orderFAQ: Whether The Missions Can Be Done In A Different Order

FAQ: What To Do When A Mission Doesn't Apply

Answer to the frequently asked question of what to do if mission does not applyFAQ: What To Do When A Mission Doesn't Apply

FAQ: What To Do If You Miss A Mission

Answer to the frequently asked question of what to do if you miss a missionFAQ: What To Do If You Miss A Mission

Supplies Needed To Start

Top 10 decluttering suppliesSupplies Needed To Start

How To Identify Clutter In Your Home: 5 Guidelines

5 guidelines to identify clutter5 Guidelines To Identify Clutter In Your Home

How To Declutter Without Making A Big Mess {Make Sure To Clean Up As You Go!}

How to declutter your homeHow To Declutter Without Making A Big Mess

How To Make Sure You're Making Progress, And Not Shuffling Clutter Around

Defining decluttering progress and how to avoid the shuffling around clutter trapHow to Make Sure You're Making Progress & Not Shuffling Clutter Around

Get Your Home Organized, Along With Decluttering, When Combine Declutter 365 Missions With The 52 Week Organized Home Challenge

Join the 52 Week Organized Home ChallengeOrganize At Same Time With 52 Week Organized Home Challenge

Other Quick Links {Roundups Of Articles}

Join The Public Declutter 365 Facebook Group With Over 1 Million Members!

Finally, join the public Declutter 365 Facebook group here, which as of the time of this writing has over 1 million members.

This group is a great way to follow along with the daily missions, get additional links to resources and articles on the site that relate to the current missions, and to report what you've accomplished as you tackle these missions in your own hame, day after day.

Click here to join the Declutter 365 Facebook group

Click to find out more about these 33 printable decluttering checklists for your entire home, currently on flash sale

Get Decluttering & Organizing Tips Newsletter


Join the Home Storage Solutions 101 newsletter, and get as your free gift the 2025 Declutter 365 Calendar (a $20 value) from me, Taylor, your decluttering and organizing guide.

When you work through the Declutter 365 missions, and accompanying 52 Week Organized Home Challenges, you'll be able to declutter your home one mission at a time, organize what's left, and learn the skills, habits and routines to maintain your space from now on.

* indicates required

Share Your Comments, Tips & Ideas

I would love to hear from you, sharing your thoughts, questions, or ideas about this topic, so leave me a comment below. I try to always respond back!

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Click to join the Declutter 365 Facebook group

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Decluttering Checklists Pack

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