Click here to get your Declutter 365 products for 2025

Get The Declutter 365 Missions Sent As Daily Text Messages In 2025

Don't ever forget the daily Declutter 365 mission again. Instead, sign up for these missions to be sent as text message reminders directly to your phone each day, starting from the day you opt-in to the text messages, through the end of 2025.

Please note that text messages are only available for U.S. based numbers at this time.

Don't ever forget the daily Declutter 365 mission again. Instead, sign up for these missions to be sent as text message reminders directly to your phone each day {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #Declutter365 #DeclutterHome #ClutterFreeuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

The concept behind the Declutter 365 missions is that you do one decluttering task each day (at least 15 minutes), for all 365 days of the year.

That's because the key to success with the Declutter 365 program is small, consistent, daily actions, so you get the benefits from the gradual and continuous improvement that comes with slowly, but steadily, decluttering area after area of your home.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

The question becomes though, how do you remember what each day's task is, so you can do it?

Solution: Get Your Daily Reminder Of The Declutter 365 Missions Via Text Message!

Don't ever forget the daily Declutter 365 mission again. Instead, sign up for these missions to be sent as text message reminders directly to your phone each day {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #Declutter365 #DeclutterHome #ClutterFreeuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

If you're like me when you get a text message you hear that ding of your notification, and you read the text message you've received. It's an ingrained habit.

Why not take advantage of that habit, where we stop and pay attention when we receive a text, to receive the daily message of what to declutter that day? Then, you'll know each morning exactly what you're supposed to do that day to declutter, without having to reference your calendar or social media -- it'll instead show up right on your phone within your text messages!

This sets you up for success each day to meet your goal of a decluttered home!

If you're already excited and ready to sign up, click here to purchase your text messages for 2025 now!

Click here to purchase daily text messages for 2025

How To Purchase This Add-On Subscription To Get Daily Text Messages Of Missions Sent To Your Phone

This is not a free service, but instead an add-on to the Declutter 365 program you can purchase, because these texts cost my business money to send every single day, and doing so for free would be cost-prohibitive.

In addition, please note that the texting service that is being used only works for U.S. based phone numbers. If you have a non-U.S. number the texts will not work on your phone, so don't purchase these text reminders if you have a non-U.S. phone number!

How to get a text each morning telling you what to declutter that day {from Home Storage Solutions 101} #Declutter365 #Decluttering #Declutteruse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

To receive daily text messages, for the 2025 Declutter 365 missions, through December 31, 2025, costs $40.00, which is equivalent to approximately 11 cents per text, if you get all 365 of them.

Click here to purchase daily text messages for 2025

What You Get With Each Day's Text

Here's an example of several days worth of texts sent out as part of this service, so you can see what you receive each day.

It's short, sweet, to the point (it can only be 160 characters or less), and where applicable, includes a link you can click if you want more information.

The daily text is sent at approximately 8:00 a.m. ET each morning.

Examples of several days worth of daily text message sent for Declutter 365 missions. Never forget another mission, and get your home organized and decluttered this year. More info on Home Storage Solutions 101. #Declutter365 #Decluttering #DeclutteringTipsuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Click here to purchase daily text messages for 2025

What Others Who've Gotten The Texts Are Saying About Them

Here's what others, who've gotten the texts already, are saying about them, and why they are helping them with the Declutter 365 daily missions.

  • Erica says: "I like getting them because it's the first thing I see when I pick up my phone in the morning. It helps to ready my mind for the day's mission. Also, it keeps me from logging into Facebook and getting wrapped up in the fog of scrolling and losing my focus!"
  • Linda says: "I am loving them. It’s a great reminder for me on what the days mission is going to be. Since I also have a full time job outside of home, the text provides me an extra means to get a plan for when I can do the mission after work. I can decide if it’s something I can do while preparing dinner, maybe while dinner is in the oven or clean up after dinner. Depending on the mission I have time to communicate with my family if it’s something that can be done without me! Very happy I signed up for the texts!!!
  • Jodi says: "I love that I know each day what my focus is without having to search for the information."
  • Gwendolyn says: "I love it. I delete all emails and texts after the topic has been completed. So it turns into a bit of a check list. And I leave it Un opened so that annoying little number icon forces me to remember to get it done so I can delete it!"
  • Jozan says: "At 8:00 my phone bings and my husband even knows it’s time to read today’s de clutter assignment! After breakfast it’s on my first to do list to complete! Love the text!"
  • Kathleen says: "I love them - they remind me to do *something* every day. No more letting things slide and pile up."
  • Brittany says: "I love the text! I go days without looking at the calendar or checking my email so I was happy to get a text every morning. You get a simple "to-do," then if you click on the link provided and.... BAMMM! Sooo much detailed information, testimonials, and before and after pictures! It's the best motivation! Well worth the money spent."
Click here to purchase daily text messages for 2025

{Best Deal} Get Both The Texts + Premium Group For 2025

If you bought both the texts and Premium group separately it would cost you $90 total.

However, if you want to get both the daily texts and become a member of the Premium group, I encourage you to buy the bundle of the two, which costs just $80.

This is by far the best deal I offer, and those who really want to both remember the daily missions as well as get coaching as they go, as provided within the video archives and group coaching sessions, should definitely take advantage of this!

You can get your bundle of the texts + Premium group here for 2025.

Make 2025 your year to get your home decluttered and organized for good with the 2025 Declutter 365 bundle

Click here for premium group plus texts bundle for 2025

Answers To FAQs About The Text Messages

1. What Do I Get When I Purchase From The Shopping Cart?

Once you've purchased this product you'll receive a PDF document from me which provides further instructions for how to opt-in to receive the daily text messages. Once you've opted in through your mobile phone you'll begin to receive the daily texts. The PDF document will explain exactly how to opt-in, in more detail.

2. What Type Of Text Will I Receive Each Day?

Texts are typically very short, with 160 characters or less, that may include a link to the website for further instructions, if I've written an article about that particular day's decluttering task.

Please note that not all days texts will have an accompanying link provided.

The daily texts you receive will correspond with the daily mission as listed in the 2025 Declutter 365 calendar.

The texts are designed to correspond with the date on the calendar, not start from the beginning of the calendar unless you begin receiving texts on January 1st (or earlier, if you purchase in 2024, and choose to opt in for bonus texts for the end of 2024).

For example, if you receive your first text on February 11th, you will NOT receive January 1st through February 10th's texts through the subscription service. Instead, your first text will tell you the mission for February 11th, and then each subsequent day after that.

You will receive one text per day, normally. It is rare to receive more than one text from me per day, although it could happen because I need to make a correction to a text already sent out or I otherwise need to communicate additional information to you.

Your time and texting space are valuable, so my goal is to be brief and to the point.

3. How To Stop Receiving Texts If You Don’t Want Them Anymore

If, at any time, you decide you no longer want to receive these daily Declutter 365 mission texts, you can stop receiving them by replying to a text you’ve received with the term “STOP” (do not use the quotation marks).

However, once you’ve subscribed to the texts with your mobile phone number no refunds are available, even if you decide to cancel the texts later.

After unsubscribing, if you later change your mind, any time during the 2025 calendar year, and want to begin receiving the texts again you can re-opt-in, and then resume receipt of the texts at that time.

4. Standard Text And Messaging Rates May Apply

Everyone’s mobile phone contracts are different, including how you pay for texts. Please be aware that standard text and messaging rates may apply to these daily Declutter 365 mission texts, just as when you receive any other texts.

5. How Long Does This Subscription Last?

The subscription, once purchased, begins within 48 hours after the date you opt-in to the text messages, and lasts through December 31, 2025. Therefore, to get the most value out of the subscription it is best to purchase and opt-in to receive your texts as early in the year as possible.

When it gets closer to 2026, assuming you want to continue receiving texts into the following year, a new subscription for that year will become available for your purchase.

6. Reminder Again: The Texting Service Only Works For U.S. Based Phone Numbers

The service I am using to send out the texts only works for U.S. based phone numbers, so if you have a non-U.S. based number you will not be able to receive daily texts. Please don't purchase this product if you have a non-U.S. based phone number.

Click here to purchase daily text messages for 2025

The simplest and most reliable way to remember your daily Declutter 365 mission is to receive a daily text, so find out how to sign up today for the year {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #Declutter365 #ClutterControl #DeclutteringHabituse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Click here to get your Declutter 365 products for 2025

Get Decluttering & Organizing Tips Newsletter


Join the Home Storage Solutions 101 newsletter, and get as your free gift the 2025 Declutter 365 Calendar (a $20 value) from me, Taylor, your decluttering and organizing guide.

When you work through the Declutter 365 missions, and accompanying 52 Week Organized Home Challenges, you'll be able to declutter your home one mission at a time, organize what's left, and learn the skills, habits and routines to maintain your space from now on.

* indicates required

Share Your Comments, Tips & Ideas

I would love to hear from you, sharing your thoughts, questions, or ideas about this topic, so leave me a comment below. I try to always respond back!