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Declutter And Organize To Save Money
Money Saving Mom's Budget Review

Crystal Paine, a.k.a. the Money Saving Mom, explains in her book why you should declutter and organize your home and your life not only to improve the functioning of your home and lessen the stress in your life, but also to improve your finances and other areas of your life.

Here's my review of The Money Saving Mom's Budget, which can help you understand how decluttering and organizing can help you save money {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

I've long been a fan of Crystal and her blog, so when I heard she was writing a book I knew I wanted to read it. I finally got a copy of The Money Saving Mom's Budget from the library, since it was on hold for quite a while, and I was surprised to see it wasn't just about money, but also had a whole chapter about decluttering and organizing your home! Right up my alley!

Here's my review of The Money Saving Mom's Budget, which can help you understand how decluttering and organizing can help you save money {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

After reading Chapter 2 of the book, titled "Are the Chaos and Clutter in Your Life Keeping You from Financial Success?" I knew this would be a book on decluttering and organizing that I would recommend from now on. The reason is that it put into words what I had long been thinking about the declutter and organize process in your home, which is that this process impacts so much more in your life than just your home.

Positive Additional Side Benefits When You Declutter And Organize

The point Crystal makes in the second chapter of her book is that improving your financial life takes time and energy, and you're not going to have either if your home and disorganized life is sucking it all out of you.

I'm still in the process of decluttering my home (and have been for years, since I find it an ongoing process) but it is far improved from where it used to be. I can attest, from personal experience, that the less clutter I have the less time it takes me to deal with everything in it.

That is, in my opinion, one of the most surprising benefits of the decluttering process -- time savings.

Plus, the discipline, habits and routines that you learn to implement as you declutter and organize your home themselves can be of great benefit to you in other areas.

These are definitely life skills I've had to learn, but once you know how to create a habit, build a routine, or make a schedule -- and stick to it -- you can use it in so many areas of your life, such as goal setting, personal development, and your household finances.

Money Saving Mom's Advice For Decluttering Your Home

Crystal gives her own advice for how she declutters her home within the chapter, and it differs a bit from my personal method for how to declutter. But that is OK. Do whatever works for you is my motto, and it obviously works for her.

I don't want to spoil the chapter for you, and she obviously goes into much more detail than I'm sharing here, but basically she does a top to bottom clutter purge in her home every six months.

Whereas I'm the type that likes to do 15 minutes here, 15 minutes there, she is more the type to block off a big chunk of time, get in there, roll up her sleeves, and really get ruthless with the process to see quick results.

I've also used this method of a mega purging of clutter a couple of times, and for some big items like moving out furniture, big appliances, etc. it really does work well. However, so does the turtle's pace. As in life, balance is key so find what works for you, and do it!

Review Of The Rest Of The Book Regarding Saving Money

The Money Saving Mom's Budgetuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

For the chapter about letting go of clutter alone, I recommend reading this book. As I said, it really helped me clarify additional benefits of having an organized home, and being able to use this motivation as I work through the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge is always appreciated.

Although I've really focused on Chapter 2 of the book when doing this review, because this site is all about home storage and organization, the rest of the book is a great read too.

The book in general is focused on real-life advice for cutting spending, paying down debt, and finding your own family's path to financial freedom. I know I can always use more advice on these topics, and I appreciate that Crystal is a mom, just like me, so her advice is real life tested.

The section on advanced couponing techniques really stood out for me as another good resource area, because it reminded me of some forgotten strategies I should be implementing, as well as some new ones for saving money while grocery shopping. Who can't stand to spend less on groceries, right?

Where To Get This Book

You can get Crystal's book through the links below. I've included ways to get the paperback, Kindle and even the audio version.

Money Saving Mom's Bundget Book {Referral Links}

Additional Resources You May Enjoy

Here are some additional resources about decluttering and more, here on this site! Enjoy!

decluttering your home seriesDecluttering Your Home {Series}: Finding Your Path To Peace
books on organizing and decluttering
Books On Organizing & Decluttering: Reviews & Recommendations
21 Days to a More Disciplined Life ebook
Creating Habits With The 21 Days To A More Disciplined Life Ebook From Money Saving Mom

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Click to find out more about these 33 printable decluttering checklists for your entire home, currently on flash sale

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