Declutter Spring Decorations {15 Minute Mission}

Today's mission is to declutter spring decorations, of whatever variety you have, from Easter or spring wreaths, table decorations, door decor, centerpieces, or other knick knacks.
This mission is actually part of the
Holiday Decoration Storage & Organization Challenge here on the site, which is one of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenges.
Normally I have these individual Declutter 365 missions that relate to a specific challenge close in time to when we're working on that particular challenge according to the
annual declutter calendar, but in this instance I have actually purposefully spread these missions out throughout the year.
The reason? While the challenge about holiday decorations is always done in December, because for many of us our Christmas decorations constitute the largest portion of our total holiday decorations, I know that many of us have decorations to place around our home for many times of the year, for lots of seasons and holidays.
So, during the spring decorations decluttering mission your task is to look around your home and declutter any decorations that you don't like, are broken, or any you feel are in excess.
If you do this each time I suggest it during the course of the year, as the various seasons come around, by the end of the year you'll have reduced the total amount of seasonal decorations in your home to a more manageable amount, leaving you with only ones you truly love and enjoy putting out each year.
I certainly don't want you to declutter all your home decorations. That is not what I'm saying.
Getting out items to brighten up your home for each season is one of the joys of life, and many of them have special memories that help make life sweet.
However, the joy is taken from the experience of decorating if we have too many. This is especially true of decorations we actually never even get out, but instead that stay in storage.
Any spring decorations you've still got in storage right now, at the peak of spring -- seriously consider getting rid of them, or make the effort today to put them out around your home so they actually get use.
Enjoy those decorations you don't declutter now throughout the rest of the spring season (although it may be time to put away Easter decorations now, since that holiday is now passed), and then you'll be ready to put the spring ones away once it's time for summer decorations.
When you do put away these decorations later this year do yourself a favor and put them all in one container, organized and properly labeled, so next year it will be a simple joy to retrieve them and put them out again. Next year you won't have to sift and sort through items you don't actually want to use or see anymore, or look through several boxes to find just the spring decor, but will be left with only the best of the best.
Remember, if you do this decluttering and organization project after every single major season or holiday, by the end of the year your entire inventory of seasonal decorations will be organized!
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Decluttered & Put Away Spring & Easter Decorations {Hall Of Fame}
Quite a few people have sent in photos showing their progress with this mission.
Some of these photos show how readers put away and organized the Easter or spring decorations they had gotten out, and then needed to put away at the end of the season, while others also decluttered, getting rid of spring and Easter items they had decided they no longer wanted or needed in their home.
These first two pictures, that I've put as a before and after and shown above, were sent in by a reader, Tina. She showed a before and after photo, and said, "I managed to declutter our Easter stuff into one big bin instead of two! Sitting by the door waiting for my hubby to take it out and put it away. Nice emptying out bins!"

That's so great Tina, what a wonderful job! Sounds like you were able to reduce down the total amount of Easter decor, keeping only what you truly loved and getting rid of the rest!
In addition, here's a collage of phots below, sent in by four different readers, who all also completed this mission.

The top image in the collage was from Sarah, who said, "Finally got all this put away today!"
The photo of the shelf containing Easter decorations, in the next row down on the left, was sent in by Rose. She rotates what's on this shelf to show decorations for the current holiday.
The picture of the stuffed Easter bunny and plastic Easter eggs was sent in by Dawn, who said, "This lovely Easter Bunny was amongst the pile of soft toys languishing on my spare bed, the eggs were amongst the clutter out of sight out of mind for the past couple of years- now local under 3's will enjoy an Easter egg hunt sometime soon. Your daily declutter tasks reminded me to do something about it this year. Happy Easter everyone!"
Finally, the bottom photo was from a reader, Faith, who stated, "Here's a bin of stuff going to Goodwill."
Each of you ladies did a great job with this mission, and thanks so much for sending in photos to show everyone what you accomplished!
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Are You Ready To Get Your Spring Seasonal Decorations Organized?

Other Seasonal Decoration Decluttering Missions
As I mentioned earlier, there are additional seasonal decoration decluttering missions here on the site that you can work through, to make the process of decluttering and organizing your holiday decorations easier and less overwhelming.
Here are additional Declutter 365 missions we do about this topic:
I hope this article has inspired you to declutter your seasonal decor, and then organize what you've got left.
Adding a few touches of the season, inside your home, can make you feel happy, so keep the joy and lose the stress by only keeping the things you really like and make you happy, and storing everything in an organized way so it's easy to decorate each year.
That's what a reader, Tamara, did, and she sent in the photo above. She explained, "All this decluttering makes me want to redecorate. And although it doesn't look like spring outside doesn't mean it can't inside!"
Want To Do More Decluttering Missions? Get Started With Declutter 365 Today!

Once you declutter one type of item in your home I bet you'll want to declutter some more. After all, decluttering gives you a great reward for even a small investment of time and energy.
The Declutter 365 system is designed to help you declutter, over the course of a year, your entire house, with just 15 minutes of decluttering each day!
Hundreds of thousands of people use this proven system to get rid of their clutter, and bring peace and calm back to their homes.
Declutter 365 works to guide you to clear the clutter without overwhelm, focusing on just one small area at a time, and without making a huge mess in the process, so you see consistent forward progress without all that "messy middle" that makes it even harder to function in your home than before you started.
In addition to building a daily decluttering habit, the Declutter 365 program, along with the accompanying 52 Week Organized Home Challenge, teaches you the skills, habits, routines, and mindsets necessary to maintain the clutter free and organized state of your home from now on, so it'll never be as messy and cluttered as it is right now, ever again.
If you haven't already, make sure to get your copy of this year's Declutter 365 annual calendar here (it's FREE!), find today's date, and do 15 minutes of decluttering on the day's mission. Then, repeat again tomorrow, and again and again. Over the course of the next year, if you do this 15 minutes per day, you'll declutter your whole house!
Get This Holiday Decluttering Checklist + 32 Other Decluttering Checklists For Your Home
Right now you're decluttering holiday items and decorations, and there's a lot of these types of items around your home.
Get your 1 page holiday decluttering checklist, plus 32 other decluttering checklists, to help you declutter your entire home here.
I've done the hard work of breaking down these tasks into smaller more manageable steps for you, so you don't get overwhelmed or worry you're forgetting a task, and you can go at the pace you want, whether that's fast or slow.
In addition, you can tackle these decluttering tasks in whatever order you want when you use these checklists!
In addition, make sure you know
what to declutter in the spring from your home, with this printable checklist.

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