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Why Do I Want To Declutter My Home? Printable Reminder For When The Going Gets Tough

When you start the Declutter 365 missions you're excited, and ready to get everything decluttered. But as time goes on, and the days pass, the going can get tough, and you might lose motivation.

Fill out this printable now, while you're excited and determined, to use to remind yourself of why you decided to start decluttering in the first place, and then review it on those tough days to keep yourself moving forward to accomplish your goals.

When you start Declutter 365 you're excited, but as you work on decluttering, day after day, and the going gets tough, remind yourself with this printable why you started decluttering in the first place. It'll help you stay motivated {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

The printable that follows, below, is just for you, and you don't have to share what you fill out on it with anyone unless you want to.

Make sure to say how you're feeling right now, when you've made the decision to start the Declutter 365 missions, and then save it somewhere, such as within your household notebook, to look back at later when you're trying to remember why it is that you decided to declutter your home in the first place.

You might decide to look at your filled out printable when, for example, decluttering feels especially hard, or you're unmotivated, or tired and would rather not do your mission for the day.

Potential Reasons Why You Might Want To Declutter

You can (and should) fill out this form with whatever your personal motivations and reasons why you want to declutter.

However, in case you want a bit of help thinking your why through, here's quite a few reasons that people make the decision to declutter, and they may be true for you as well (and don't worry if they're not your reasons! These are just ideas.)

  • I want more space in my home
  • I want to focus on what's important to me, and this stuff is getting in the way
  • I want my home to be easier to clean
  • I want to find the stuff I'm searching for in my home, and not have to hunt for it all the time
  • I want peace of mind, and so I need to get rid of the clutter!
  • I want more freedom, including from having to deal with my stuff all the time
  • I want to get rid of negative emotions and feelings that surround some of this stuff in my home or life
  • I want to make money, by selling what to me is clutter
  • Certain areas of my home, or rooms of my house, are driving me nuts. are causing me a headache or are embarrassing and I want to fix it
  • I want more free time, and not to have to be dealing with all this stuff, instead
  • I don't want to feel overwhelmed from seeing everything everywhere anymore
  • I want to reduce my anxiety and stress
  • I want to relieve or eliminate family tensions that have arisen because of the stuff
  • I do not want to be a burden to those I leave behind, but instead to clear out my stuff now so they don't have to

Now it's your turn. Print out the form below and fill it out, and tell yourself why you want to declutter your home.

Here Is Your Free Printable Form

Below is the printable form you should fill out, in PDF format. Click the image of the form, or the link underneath, to get your PDF.

When you start Declutter 365 you're excited, but as you work on decluttering, day after day, and the going gets tough, remind yourself with this printable why you started decluttering in the first place. It'll help you stay motivated {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #Declutter365 #DeclutteringTips #FreePrintableuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Click Here To Get Your Free Form
(opens into a PDF in a new window)

Do you want even more printables and checklists? If so, make sure to check out these over 30 printables and checklists to get organized and to declutter here.

30+ Free Printables & Checklists For Organizing Your Home

Click to read Taylor's review of the Eat at Home Meal Plans sale

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Join the Home Storage Solutions 101 newsletter, and get as your free gift the 2025 Declutter 365 Calendar (a $20 value) from me, Taylor, your decluttering and organizing guide.

When you work through the Declutter 365 missions, and accompanying 52 Week Organized Home Challenges, you'll be able to declutter your home one mission at a time, organize what's left, and learn the skills, habits and routines to maintain your space from now on.

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