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Dish Soap Apron Or Dress: Cute Way To Brighten Up Your Sink Area

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Do you want a cute way to brighten up your sink area, and make yourself smile as you do dishes? Of course you do. ;)

A while back these little dish soap apron and dresses were all the rage, and personally I think they should be again. I mean, how very adorable!

Not only can they add some charm to your kitchen, they can also disguise the kind of ugly looking dish soap bottle that we often have sitting on our kitchen counter.

Where To Find These Dish Soap Dresses:

You can make your own, use doll clothes, or even buy them from places like Etsy.

Resources For Making Your Own:

If you like to knit, there's a book entitled Dishcloth Dresses that has 12 different patterns you can make, and a second follow up book with 7 more patterns.

In addition, check out this tutorial on the Simplify blog (the tutorial is kind of buried in the middle of a very long page, but it is there!).

Finally, you can look on Pinterest for even more ideas. (While you're there, follow me here, I'd love it!) That is exactly what a reader, below did, to make her own cute little apron.

Dish Soap Apron Or Dress: Cute Way To Brighten Up Your Sink Area {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Photo courtesy of Theresa Thompson

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I Made This Simple Dish Soap Apron Myself!

by Yolanda

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Yolanda shared this picture of the little apron she created using a pattern she found on Pinterest.

Isn't it great?

Do you have one of these bottle dresses or aprons in your own kitchen you'd like to show off, or have a great resource to tell us about for where to find these little decorative items?

You can submit your photos and tips here and I'll add them to the page.

Some links on this page are affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase a product through them I receive a small commission which helps me provide this information to you for free, plus support my family. My integrity and your satisfaction are very important to me so I only recommend products I would purchase myself, and that I believe would benefit you. To learn more please see my disclosure statement.

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Comments for I Made This Simple Dish Soap Apron Myself!

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got one years ago
by: Nancy

I bought an "apron" for my dish liquid at a boardwalk craft show about 15 years ago. Bought it because the fabric had boats and lighthouses on it. So I still use it.

what I prefer
by: Jamie

Definitely prefer the glass olive oil bottle.

haven't seen in years!
by: Lisa

My grandma used to make those when I was a kid - haven't seen them in years!

like this idea
by: Melissa

I like the idea of this to catch drips on my glass bottle...

brightens up my kitchen
by: Leah

Mine isn't as poofy as this one. But it really does brighten up my kitchen.

more laundry!
by: Joy-Carole

I see it as more Laundry! I'm probably going to grab it with wet or dirty hands and then it will look yucky!

I use an olive oil pour spout as well
by: Linda

I do the same with the pretty bottle and olive oil pour spout.. I've had 2 different spouts.. I like the one with the little cover. I can wipe it all down with a clean wash cloth after doing dishes if it gets icky and dry with the dish towel. Done.

cute but not practical
by: Kym

I have to agree. It is very cute but not practical. My dishwasher bottle gets used all the time & the apron would be more in the wash then what it is on the bottle.

another thing to clean
by: Laura

I just use a coordinating soap dispenser for my dish soap... Not to be another Negative, but the apron would just be another thing to clean.

just put under sink
by: Alli

I just put mine under the sink, no clutter of any kind on the counters.

my omi had one
by: Kristina

My omi had a dish bottle dress. I still have it. I don't use hangs on my wall. I would hate to see it get ruined. And I think its cute!!!! I have seen the no clutter kitchens...they look DULL!

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