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Quick Evernote Review: Most Versatile & Useful All Around Organization Tool

Do you use Evernote for work? Have you ever considered using it for helping you organize your home and life as well?

If not, you definitely should. This is a multi-functional program, which includes a free app, which is designed for note taking and archiving, but it is not for just the written word.

A note can be all kinds of things from typed information, photos, audio files, web pages, and more.

Then, you can organize all these "notes" into various folders and virtual notebooks.

Several readers have shared ideas and ways they use Evernote to help get their lives and homes organized below, from using the web clipper, meal planning, getting rid of paper clutter, tracking medications, and more.

It is really amazing how many ways people are using Evernote for household management and home and life organization.

I personally have it on both my iPhone and my MacBook.

Paula says:

You can also use the web version of Evernote so you don't have to worry about it being outdated or out of sync with an operating system upgrade.

I love it because there is a web clipper that I can use with Google Chrome and I just click on that to have the information from the web page I'm looking at imported into Evernote.

I can look at Evernote from work (where I can't download the app), at home on my computer, on my iPad in the kitchen or on my Android phone or iPad in the store.

It is the most versatile and useful all around organization tool I have ever come across and IT IS FREE!!! LOVE IT!

Taylor says:

Thanks Paula for this quick review.

One of the best parts of Evernote, as you point out, is the web clipper, which can help you find items of interest you find on the web again later for reference. Amazing!

Where To Get Evernote

There is both free and then premium versions of Evernote. I suggest starting with the free version (depending on what you do with it, it may be all you ever need). Only move up to the premium version if you really enjoy the program and you need the additional storage.

You can download the app here through these referral links:I'd love to hear from even more people who use Evernote, sharing some of the ways they use it to manage their homes and lives.

You can share your uses here and I'll add them to the page.

Read on for more reviews and ways to use this app for organizing your life below.

Lots of ideas and suggestions for how to use Evernote to help you organize your home and life, including getting rid of paper clutter and more {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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How I Use Evernote To Stay Organized

by Janet

I love this app. I have several different 'subjects' such as Mom's Meds, Travel and one for our house.

I have this app on home computer, IPhone and IPad so I can be anywhere and either add notes or look things up.

For instance I took a couple of pictures of a portion of our deck we will replace one day and then when I am going to a box store, I'm able to quickly find that photo and show the sales person what our goal is in replacing that portion.

I don't have to wade through my photos to find that image.

And then with mom's med's -- we order her med's through mail and also Walgreen's. Everytime I order a refill I log it in so all the info is in one place and if we are at doctor's appointment. I can quickly see what needs to be ordered or has already been placed.

Great app to have to be organized.

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Love It For Getting Rid Of Paper Versions Of Things In My Home

by Joanne

getting rid of paper clutter hall of fame
I love Evernote.

I take photos of warranties, my son's artwork, gift ideas, doctors letters, etc. and recycle the paper versions.

I use the reminder function for to do lists.

I keep lists for travelling, home decorating etc.

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Using Evernote App On Smart Phone For Recipes In Kitchen

Here's a photo showing how one person used the Evernote app on their smart phone to get the recipe for pumpkin soup! See, it is very handy in the kitchen. :)

Photo courtesy of Johan Larsson

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I Use Evernote As My Digital Filing Cabinet

by Stephanie

I use evernote for my digital filing cabinet. I love, love, love it. Not only is it free, (yeah) it can be used on any Mac or Android device, as long as you have internet! Evernote is infamous for it's "tagging" structure, which allows me to file my recipes and find them in an instant. You can select your own tags and then perform a search..i.e. "fish" or "chicken" and bing, you get every recipe you have stored there with that tag in it.

I can email into Evernote or take a picture of my paper recipe to have it filed. Every time now that I am making dinner I will take a picture of the paper or book recipe I am using and file it in Evernote, so that way I am not overwhelmed while trying to get that type of project done. I have purchased ebooks with recipes in them and only have to attach it to a note and they are filed as well.

Evernote even has a web clipper. As you are perusing a blog or site that you like, you can clip articles, recipes and photos. Pretty much anything goes. All you do is push the button, label it and boom, you have it in your Evernote program.

I like using Evernote for recipes, as well as all my other electronic notes or bills. I use it to journal, and to file my digital receipts.

Life with Evernote is easy, affordable (can you say free!) and accessible. Your recipes never get lost and you have them at the push of a button. I travel a lot with my family, so it is important to me to have my digital recipes with me! I also like knowing I use one program for all my organization. I need simple. Evernote is a wonder.

I love Evernote and if you give it a go, I believe you will too!

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How I Use Evernote For Recipe Organization + Meal Planning

by Jessica @Monkeyshiners

Jessica's notebooks

Jessica's notebooks

Jessica from Monkeyshiners was inspired by the Recipe Organization challenge here on the site to start using Evernote to organize her recipes.

She explained, "I had been planning to make up a recipe binder for all my paper recipes . . . I'd always seen recipe binders and thought it was the best option. But in the challenge, she included a section on digital organization and mentioned Evernote.

I LOVE IT. I'd heard of it before but for some reason had decided against using it (just in general, not even thinking of recipes). When she suggested it as an option, I went back and revisited. It is an amazing program and it is FREE!

You can get an Evernote app for almost anything- I have it on my computer, Nook, and I-Pod Touch. So you can access it anywhere.

Jessica goes into a lot of detail in her blog post about how she uses this free app for both recipe organization plus for meal planning.

ways to digitally organize recipes
She even has an update to the blog post where she explains an even simpler method for meal planning using the app that she figured out later.

It is definitely a must read!

I'm just glad I inspired Jessica with my mention of this app! Who knew?

There are lots of ways to organize your recipes electronically beside this app, so make sure to check out the link for even more ideas from readers on how to do it!

How To Get The Evernote App

You can download the app here through these referral links:

More Resources To Help You Use Evernote To The Fullest

There are also several books written on the subject of using this app, because it is that popular. Here are a couple:

Evernote Books {Referral Links}

Lots of ideas and suggestions for how to use Evernote to help you organize your home and life, including getting rid of paper clutter and more {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Some links on this page are affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase a product through them I receive a small commission which helps me provide this information to you for free, plus support my family. My integrity and your satisfaction are very important to me so I only recommend products I would purchase myself, and that I believe would benefit you. To learn more please see my disclosure statement.

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Comments for How I Use Evernote For Recipe Organization + Meal Planning

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great for making lists
by: Katena

I love mine and I even print to show what I was up too. Great to make to do list, grocery list, etc. Great app.

what I use it for
by: Sarah

I use Evernote for EVERYTHING!

reduces paper clutter
by: Jennifer

I love it. It has really helped me get organized and get rid of paper clutter.

I use it a lot
by: Janet

I have many different 'folders' on Evernote. One I use a lot is my mom's medical data, put in her meds, when I renewed them, etc. So easy when I have to look things up since she is taking a lot of meds, can't remember them all. I put all her doctor visits in there. Another one is 'home' stuff, like the printer cartridge ink refill numbers (black and color), landscaping ideas, etc. Another one is for trips, I list my trips by date and where I went etc. So many different categories to store your data. Was sad to see them charging for more than two devices but I need app on my Iphone, Ipad and home computer.

by: Delora

Thank you so much for posting about this! I had it when I had my iPhone but I barely used it so I didn't transfer it over when I got my Android. I'm downloading it right now!

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