Gift Wrap Organization & Storage Ideas

Gift wrap organization was the topic of a recent Organized Home Challenge here on the site, and I asked readers to share how they've organized this area of their home.
I've received some great tips and progress reports below, that I wanted to share since I think it is so motivating to hear what people have accomplished in their homes.
If you'd like to share how you organize your wrapping paper and other gift wrapping supplies I'd love to hear from you too. You can
share your results and organization tips here, to get featured in the hall of fame.
In addition, if these ideas and information gets you inspired to do this for yourself, you can check out my step by step instructions for
how to organize wrapping paper and other gift wrapping supplies in your own home.
Scroll down to see some of the best examples sent in by readers!

Top photo courtesy of drcw
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DIY Gift Wrap Station Repurposed From Old Toy Organizer

Theresa says:
I always love seeing how others use and repurpose things in their home, so I wanted to share this with your followers.
I repurposed a kids toy organizer into a gift wrap station. I think it is better than others I have seen selling upwards of $100.
I am sure many people have this organization unit at home, and can make their own too!

Taylor says:
Wow Theresa! This is such a great idea, and I love that you got to reuse something you already had.
I also really like your labels for the bins, I think they both look very pretty and will definitely help keep things organized. Great great job!

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Keep In Labeled Plastic Drawer Organizer

Ashley says:
I keep all my gift bags with my cards and wrapping paper and tissue paper!
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing this photo Ashley! It looks great, and I like that you've kept everything together since this makes it really convenient.
The only thing I'd mention about this method is that you've got to consider how long your rolls of wrapping paper are. You obviously have short enough rolls that they fit within the drawers, but if you get the really long rolls you'll be frustrated when they don't fit.
To prevent this, at least somewhat, choose a wide organizer, such as the ones below. Even the wide ones won't accommodate all long rolls though.
Just something to consider when deciding for yourself what you want!
Stacked Drawers {Referral Links}
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Create A Gift Wrapping Station From A Trunk

Here's another great idea sent in by a reader, Erin. She explained in the
Declutter 365 Group, "I decluttered my gift wrap mess into this cute and functional wrapping station/trunk!"
I like how she added the tension rod across the trunk which serves the dual function of holding ribbons, and also creating a partition where she can hold some gift bags.
She also added some baskets to further containerize the space, and even some command hooks which help keep the scissors and tape handy!
In the corner of the space you can also see she uses an
over the door gift wrap organizer to help corral her rolls of wrapping paper.
Erin actually wrote a blog post with even more details of how she did it which you can find
Here are some trunks you could use:
Storage Trunk {Referral Links}
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Unique Gift Wrapping Center: Hanging Wrap Rolls With Antique Fishing Rods
by Melinda

Melinda shared this picture on the
Household Management 101 Facebook page, which is the sister site to this one.
She made a very cute area to wrap up all her gifts, with a nice flat surface.
She explained that she "used antique fishing rods to hang my rolls of wrap!" How cute and unique!
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I Store Wrapping Paper Tubes Under The Bed In Long Plastic Boxes
Patty said, "We use an under-the-bed-box, a large plastic one that I believe we got at Walmart for around $10.
I actually have TWO, one for Christmas wrappings and the other for everything else.
It is long enough for wrapping paper tubes!
We cut the foot off of old socks and use the cuff to gently hold the paper to the tube without tape. This works for us!
I store them under the guest bedroom bed."
Under Bed Gift Wrap Storage {Referral Links}
Patty continued, "I also have a tickler file for cards and mailing supplies (including thank you notes, invites, etc). This I keep in by our office desk."
Hope these ideas help someone else!
Taylor says:
Thanks for these ideas Patty! If you don't know what a
tickler file is, make sure to check out my article at the link to find out. They are a wonderful and simple way to not forget to send a card to anyone, along with many other uses from bill paying, and even more!
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Tip For Reducing Wrapping Supplies To Be Stored
by Rebecca
Rebecca says:
Two years ago I started stocking plain colored wrapping paper so all I have to do is add a colored bow (pink, blue, black) and a themed tag and I'm all done.
It's much less to have to store.
Taylor says:
That's a great suggestion Rebecca, and one I actually recommend myself.
Some people can't bear to do it, they like having variety and I completely understand that. But, having only one or two rolls of paper and a couple choices of ribbon and tag colors can make it so much easier if you're willing to go that route.
Good choices of colors would be something holiday neutral, such an elegant white or cream, black, or perhaps a blue. Of course if you've got a signature color that will work too.
People love a nicely wrapped gift, but honestly they like the present inside better so whatever color choice you make isn't that big of a deal in the long run. :)
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Organize Wrapping Supplies: My Progress From The Challenge
by Dawn
(Minneapolis, MN)
Dawn says:
I am fortunate to have a cupboard in my kitchen that I could give up for my wrapping supplies. I always do my cards and wrapping in the kitchen so this seemed a logical place for me to keep these items.
I was so focused on getting this job done that I neglected to take a before picture, but let me tell you that this cupboard had become the 'junk drawer' of my kitchen. It had old party napkins, cups, cards, paper, manuals, a graduation frame, candles, room fresheners and even an old laptop! What a mess.
I also had wrapping supplies/cards all over my house. In my office space, the linen closet and in boxes in my basement. I really didn't know what I had! I would usually end up buying new for each occasion because of that :( .
I now have plenty that will probably last me years! I am so relieved to have this job done. It feels good to know what I have at a glance and it's handy too! As I go through more challenges, I will probably find more items for this cupboard.
Thanks for the challenge! It was sooo needed :)
Taylor says:
Great job Dawn! I love your after picture. It looks like a great little area to access, and should make wrapping presents both fun and easy.
I like how you made yourself a gift wrapping center in an area where you already do that task, so it made it really convenient for you.
In addition, gathering your supplies together from around the house will save you both time and money in the future, since you won't have to hunt for stuff and you don't have to buy more each time a present needs to be wrapped.
More Home Storage Solutions
I hope you enjoyed these ideas for organizing wrapping paper and other gift wrapping supplies.
There are even more ideas for storage and organizing on the site in the
{A-Z} Storage Solutions & Ideas round up page. Go check it out if you'd like to see even more ideas.
Plus, make sure to check out the
Organize Wrapping Paper & Supplies Challenge here on the site, which is part of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge for more information specifically on this topic.
Finally, do you have a great way you like to store your gift wrap and other wrapping supplies? If so, I'd love for you to share it with me for the hall of fame.
You can
share your creative storage solutions and home organization ideas here, and I'll add the best ones here to the site.

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