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Hair Appliance Holder Ideas & Solutions

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Here's quite a few hair appliance holder ideas and solutions you can use in your bathroom to hold these common hair tools, such as your hair dryer, curling iron and flat iron.

There are both some DIY ideas and well as products that you can purchase for use. But whatever you use you need to remember safety, because these items get quite hot, especially your curling and flat irons.

So you need to either choose something that is heat proof to begin with, or be very intentional to let the appliances and tools cool sufficiently after use, and before putting them back into these holders, so you don't harm anything.

The storage solution you'll choose depends on a lot of factors, including what types of hair styling products you use, their size and shape, and what space you have available in your bathroom.

As you'll see some of these ideas work well for multiple types of products, while others are rather product specific.

In addition, you'll also see items below that can be used on the wall, where they are easy to access and put away, while others can be used inside a cabinet door to be hidden from view when not in use.

If you use any of these products, or something completely different, I'd love to see what you do too. You can submit your own photos here and the best ones will be added to this page.

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Hair appliance holder ideas and solutions, including for hair dryers, curling irons and flat irons, to get these items off your bathroom counters and more handy for use {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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Hang Your Hair Styling Tools Using Command Hooks

A simple idea that will work either on the bathroom wall, or inside a cabinet door, is to use command hooks.

The photo above is from a reader, Jennifer. She explained, "I use command hooks to keep my flat iron and blow dryer off my tiny bathroom counter."

Similarly, another reader, Vanessa, does the exact same thing. Her photo is below, and she explained, "I use a command wire hook at the vanity for my hair dryer."

hang hair dryer on the wall with a command hook

Since this solution will most likely be in the bathroom do yourself a favor and choose the bathroom command hooks, which have a type of sticky on them which sticks better in humid hot environments like the bathroom can be, from time to time.

Further, not that overall your hair dryer or other styling tools are excessively heavy, but make sure the command hooks you use are sturdy enough to support the weight you'll be putting on them.

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Curling Iron, Flat Iron & Hair Dryer Caddy

Polder Style Station, curling iron, flat iron and hair dryer caddyPolder Style Station {Click here to purchase on Amazon}
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Another possible way to store and organize your hair appliances is to use a caddy. The Polder Style Station is actually a quite popular product available on Amazon just for this purpose.

It has slots for all three major types of hair tools, including your hair dryer, curling iron and flat iron. Because they are premeasured you will need to confirm your particular tools will fit into the slot, since it is one fits many, not all.

The nice thing about this product is that it is made to be heat resistant, so you can place your tools back into the slots even when they are hot.

This particular model can be seen above hanging from the towel bar, but in addition it can just be placed on the counter or inside a drawer or cabinet, making it very versatile.

It is available in both black and white. The white version has a slightly different design, with just two slots, but that may work better for you if you've got a larger curling iron, for example, since it would more easily fit into the larger slot.

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Hang A Heat Resistant Basket On The Wall

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Baskets are a great way to hold these items up on the wall off the bathroom counter, but without having to worry as much about the exact size of the compartments made for the organizer and whether it will fit your particular hair tool.

It is important whatever basket you choose is heat resistant, or that you cool the items completely before you place them back into the basket!

The idea above is from a reader Sheri, who repurposed a metal garden basket for this purpose. She explained, "I use a metal garden basket that I painted to match my bathroom. If it is still hot it can be put away still without hurting anything."

Here's similar wire baskets that could be mounted on your bathroom wall.

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More Wall Mounted Hair Dryer, Curling Iron & Flat Iron Holder Products

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There are even more ideas for mounting these items on your wall. Here's a couple from readers.

The picture above is from a reader, Tisha, saying, "Bought this handy holder at Tuesday Morning. Gets the blow dryer and flat iron out of the way."

Here are a couple of various wall organizers available:

Similarly, another reader, Charis, made a DIY version of one of these wall holders. She explained, "I hang my flat iron on this sponge-holder made for the kitchen sink! Instead, I suction it to my mirror next to the outlet, and I can hang my flat iron over it while it heats and cools, without it touching or burning anything! It stores it nicely, up and away from the bathroom counter."

DIY flat iron holder

I would just note to be careful to use it for storage while it heats up and cools down. I know Charis said she uses it that way without a problem, but check for yourself since it wasn't made for that purpose I'd hate for you to damage something! I would personally be more likely to use this DIY method only for the cool flat iron.

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Use Inside Cabinet Door Or Back Of Door For Storage

While above I've shown you several ideas for holding your hair styling tools and appliances out in the open, sometimes you don't want these items to show when you're not using them.

Therefore, one possibility is to use an idea similar to the basket above, but in this case that mounts over the bathroom cabinet door so it is hidden from view.

It is also a great way to use otherwise potentially wasted space under your bathroom sink, or another cabinet.

Spectrum over cabinet door hair tool storage basketSpectrum Over Cabinet Door Hair Tool Storage Basket
{Click here to purchase on Amazon}
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Just like you can use the inside of a bathroom cabinet door, like shown above, similarly you can use the back of the bathroom door itself.

Here's a DIY idea from a reader, Laurie, that she made for her curling irons and blow dryer. It is similar looking to an over the door shoe organizer, but as she explained, "That's where I got the idea from. But instead of plastic I wanted to use something that wouldn't melt. Although I always cool before I put stuff away."

DIY hair appliance holder and organizer

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Curling Iron Holder Ideas For On & Off Your Bathroom Counter

There are products designed specifically for holding just your curling iron, some of which get the curling iron off the counter while not in use, and others that keep it there but held in a more convenient position for use.

For example, you can hang your curling iron up on your towel bar using the Polder hair iron hot sleeve.

Polder hair iron hot sleevePolder Hair Iron Hot Sleeve
{Click here to purchase on Amazon}

This product is designed to allow you to put your flat iron or curling back when you're done even it is it still hot. It can also be taken with you when you travel, which can be helpful when you need to get ready quickly in a hotel room, and then pack up even before your hair tool is fully cool.

Of course, you may not want to keep the curling iron off the counter, but instead to just make it more convenient to use while staying on the counter. If that's the case you might want to consider one of the counter versions of these holders below.

Scalpmaster curling iron holderScalmaster Curling Iron Holder
{Click here to purchase on Amazon}

With either of these products you'll need to pay attention to the dimensions of the irons this works with, versus which ones would be too large, so you aren't disappointed it doesn't fit the curling iron or flat iron you prefer to use.

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Don't Be Afraid To Be Creative When Organizing & Storing Hair Styling Tools

As long as you keep safety in mind, there is no reason you can't be creative when organizing and storing your hair styling tools in your bathroom.

Here's an example of that from a reader, Leslie, who submitted the photo above. She explained, "I use a coat hook rack for my curling irons. ear buds etc."

More Home Storage Solutions

{A-Z} Storage Solutions & Ideas
I hope this gave you ideas for how you can store these items in your home! Don't forget that if you've got an idea you'd like to show off you can submit it here.

There are even more ideas for storage and organizing on the site in the {A-Z} Storage Solutions & Ideas round up page. Go check it out if you'd like to see even more ideas.

In addition, if these ideas have inspired you to organize even more things in your bathroom make sure to read the Bathroom Organization Challenge, which is part of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge I run on the site.

Some links on this page are affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase a product through them I receive a small commission which helps me provide this information to you for free, plus support my family. My integrity and your satisfaction are very important to me so I only recommend products I would purchase myself, and that I believe would benefit you. To learn more please see my disclosure statement.

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Comments for Don't Be Afraid To Be Creative When Organizing & Storing Hair Styling Tools

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store hot curling iron
by: Sharon

I travel a lot and sometimes I can't wait for the curling iron to cool down to put it away. So my solution was to buy a thick oven mitt. You can put it in that and right into a suitcase still hot. Never had a problem doing that in the last ten years. Hope this helps.

Hanging hair appliances
by: Kathi C

I hang my hair drier, curling iron, flat iron, etc. on the inside door of my closet by those plastic removable hooks. To keep the cords in check I bought a piece of felt and some Velcro and made my own wraps to keep each cord together. So easy and keeps everything neat and tidy. We live in a motor home and space is at a premium so being organized is important.

Hot Curling Iron
by: Jean Gray

SHARON - great idea for at home use, too. Use the mitt mate to one under my computer mouse :)

Magazine Files, metal
by: Stefanie

I use an IKEA DRÖNJÖNS magazine file - a basket-type metal thing to rather collect magazines in. No issue with the heat. Can be fixed at the back of a cabinet door or right against the wall.

Found this on pinterest, I think (some use those for storing like onions, etc. in the kitchen, too - I'd be concerned if one of those rots and "leaks"; but you get a set of two to try anyway).

Oh, and better always unplug if not in use ;-)

Revlon One Step hairdryer
by: Melissa

I use the Revlon One Step hairdryer and it is surprisingly huge and doesn't fit in holders meant for traditional hair dryers. Any ideas?

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