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Kids Playroom Storage & Organization Ideas Hall of Fame

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For those lucky enough to have a whole room where your children can play, getting some kids playroom storage and organization ideas is very much appreciated.

organize toys challenge
Such a dedicated playroom can quickly become a disaster area of toys and a land mine of small parts on the floor if you're not careful.

In week #46 of the Organized Home Challenge we tackled toy organization, and this room would definitely count as part of working on that process.

Below are pictures of several organized playrooms shared by readers showing off what work they've done in their home. They look great, I think.

If you've worked on this challenge and want to share your own picture I'd love to see and feature it as well. You can share your own organization photos here.

Kids playroom storage and organization ideas from real people -- they're inspiring but still doable! {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Photo courtesy of AndWat

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Decluttering The Playroom Made Such A Huge Difference

by Libby



Libby says:

The second pic is how the toy room ended up looking every day. Chaos.

And my girls wouldn't really play with anything because the mess was so crazy.

We went through every bin and donated lots of toys and threw away trash.

Now it's been like after after picture for a week.

It's easier for them to clean up because there's less mess and stuff to overwhelm them.

My 5yr old says I love it so sparkly clean!

How decluttering your playroom before you begin to organize it makes such a huge difference in the results you get {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #DeclutterPlayroom #Decluttering #OrganizingTipsuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Taylor says:

This looks great Libby! Decluttering is almost always the first step to getting control back over a room, and playroom is one that needs to be decluttered frequently.

I've got a whole article on how to declutter your kids' playroom here, if anyone else needs more help with first decluttering, before trying to organize the space, since it really does make a huge difference.

How to declutter your playroom

closetmaid 6 cube stackable organizerClosetMaid 6 Cube Stackable Organizer
{Click to purchase on Amazon}
I also like how you've got lots of kids friendly containers in the room to help hold items.

Yours isn't quite the same, but the organizer and shelving system you've got looks similar to the ClosetMaid cube organizer I've got pictured here. Products such as this are great for kids to store their toys, separated into rough categories, but in kid-friendly containers.

There are so many cute colors for these little fabric boxes as well to match almost any decor.

Cube Organizers {Referral Links}

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Easy DIY Playroom Idea: Lots Of Plastic Baskets On Shelves

by Fallon

Fallon says:

This is my playroom. The drawers on the left hold all the arts and crafts stuff.

The shelves have DVDs and books and the baskets have all the toys sorted in different categories so we have soft toys, car track, puzzles and games, figures, cars, Toy Story, potato heads, food, musical, phones and cameras, odd bits, paper, Lego, and dressing up.

The big blue tub at the end has bigger lego in it like the ships and islands.

Oh and play-doh and other games are on the shelves too.

It was a labour of love but it definitely is organized better now. The kids can find what they want right away and without emptying toys everywhere.

Taylor says:

Fallon, this looks great!

You're right, when there are lots of different types of items it is key to keep them separated in various containers.

Here are some that are available. Make sure you get the size you're looking for, to hold the right amount of each category of toy. Smaller can be better for kids, so they can't dump out too much at once, at least if the bin also is large enough to hold all the toys of that category.

Storage Bins With Lids {Referral Links}

I've found the key to keeping them separate though is to allow only one type of toy out at a time, and then make them put everything back in that container before they get out the next one.

Otherwise when cleaning up everything gets just thrown back in whatever basket and soon everything is a jumbled mess.

Of course, what I've just said is a lot easier said than done! So really keeping up the organization consistently is definitely key (although a bit of a pain!)

You can get even more ideas for organizing and storing Legos here.

Lego storage ideas and solutions

In addition, you can get more kids dress up clothes storage and organization ideas here.

Kids dress up clothes storage ideas

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Make Sure Your Playroom Furniture Doubles As Storage When Possible

by Eleri

A reader, Eleri, shared a picture of her kids' toy room.

First, I love the bright colors. A playroom is a great place to have a little fun with color, and she definitely has with the bright red, pink and blues.

Further, notice the shelf. It really doesn't take up too much room but it provides the organization for the room that it needs.

When you have a shelf like this in a room where kids are playing make sure to bolt it to the wall though, because otherwise a climbing child (do you have one of those too, like I do?) can accidentally pull a large piece of furniture down on themselves and get seriously injured.

Finally, notice right on the far right front of the picture the hanging mesh organizer. These are great for a playroom or child's room and are quite popular. They are great for holding stuffed animals or other large but relatively light and soft items.

Hanging Mesh Organizers {Referral Links}

You can get even more ideas for stuffed animal storage here.

stuffed animal storage ideas

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Playroom In Loft Organized With Baskets

Here's a similar idea using rattan or wicker baskets for organizing and storing toys in this area.

When you have this type of basket they tend to snag cloth and similar fabric items, and also can be scratchy for little hands, so I suggest using basket liners so they not only look cute, but are more functional.

Storage Baskets With Liners {Referral Links}

Photo courtesy of Jeff Sandquist

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Ikea Kids Playroom Cubes For Storage

by JosGis

Ikea is a great place to find products to organize your home relatively cheaply.

Here's how a reader, JosGis, uses some of the storage bins to contain and corral her kids toys in the little play area.

She says: "Ikea storage. It's endless the things you can do with those bins also."

Another reader, Janna agrees. She says, "Playroom organization is easy if you can get to an IKEA. There are these multi colored bin drawers and I labeled every one.

When someone wants to play they pull out that bin only and have to put it back before another is retrieved. It works great!"

Of course, there are lots of cubes for storage available at other places beside Ikea. Check out these below:

Cubes For Storage {Referral Links}

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Toy Storage With Ikea Containers

by Zarina

Zarina shared this picture of the toy corner her son has in their home.

She said, "One word, Ikea storage. Here's how I've organized all my sons toys. Two toy storage frames with slot in plastic trays and boxes."

You can get this Trofast storage system, and bins, here:

Ikea Trofast Storage System & Boxes {Referral Links}

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Picture Labels On Bins Help Kids Put Away Toys More Easily

by Charlene

Charlene says:

A trick for the playroom are "picture" labels on bins.

It makes it easier to see what goes where.

I used this idea in the Toddler room at the preschool after thoroughly cleaning the room.

I took pictures of everything, printed pictures, and used them to label the shelves.

If you can't laminate, cover with clear packing tape.

Taylor says:

Great idea Charlene! I agree labels can be very helpful, especially to allow kids to know where to put toys back.

And pictures are especially helpful for small children who can't read yet.

I also like the idea of using chalkboard labels on various bins and shelves. The advantage of chalkboard labels, or other erasable labels, is that as the stuff in the room changes the labels can change with them.

Here's a link to the cool chalkboard bin shown above, as well as additional storage containers that contain label holders:

Storage Containers With Label Holders {Referral Links}

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Storage Drawers Plus Keeping Things Decluttered Is My Secret

by Emma

I use two big storage drawers plus two garden trugs for teddies for my two girls (age 5 & 2).

They tidy up after themselves pretty well as everything has a place and old/unused toys go to charity.

Storage Drawers {Referral Links

Taylor's note:

It looks like this room may double as a bedroom. This often happens, where you have toys in a child's bedroom if you don't have enough space for a dedicated room.

Here are more kids bedroom ideas for storage and organizing here in case you're in this situation.

kids bedroom ideas for storage and organizing

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Rolling Drawer Organizers For Small Toys

by Mary

A reader, Mary, shared this picture of how she stores the small toys in her kids' playroom.

Unfortunately, she didn't share much information about where she found them.

She said, "Love these as there's no mess on show. Keep meaning to label them but kids now know where everything goes."

Here are a couple of similar containers available on Amazon which could work, although if anyone recognizes what brand this is please share in the comments so I can provide more information for people.

Rolling Storage Drawers {Referral Links}

Check Out More Home Storage Solutions

{A-Z} Storage Solutions & Ideas
I hope you found these playroom storage and organizer ideas helpful.

There are even more ideas for storage and organizing on the site in the {A-Z} Storage Solutions & Ideas round up page. Go check it out if you'd like to see even more ideas.

In addition, if these ideas have inspired you to organize even more toys around your home make sure to read the Organize Toys & Games Challenge, which is part of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge I run on the site!

Organize Toys & Games Challenge

Real life kids playroom storage and organization ideas, for storing toys and keeping them organized so kids can play with them without a mess {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #PlayroomStorage #PlayroomOrganization #PlayroomOrganizeruse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Some links on this page are affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase a product through them I receive a small commission which helps me provide this information to you for free, plus support my family. My integrity and your satisfaction are very important to me so I only recommend products I would purchase myself, and that I believe would benefit you. To learn more please see my disclosure statement.

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Comments for Rolling Drawer Organizers For Small Toys

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Ikea does make life easier
by: Hadia

I like how Eleri has everything colorful in the room and most of the items are available in Ikea.

I use white wire cubes
by: Jeannette

I'm working on the playroom and I use the white wire cubes made into 6 cubes, plus the top of them using bins, totes, etc. And you can really fit a lot in those squares.

Teach the kids to organize
by: Anonymous

When everything gets jumbled you dump it all in a pile in the middle. Then you put the containers all around you. Then sit down and help children learn to sort into proper box. In no time it is done and they learn how to organize without being so overwhelmed. Pretty soon they can do it by themselves. They start to learn that it is more fun to find things where they should be and start putting things away in proper container to begin with. Did this with all 3 boys whose toys had to be in their rooms. They are now great housekeepers as husbands and Dads and use the same skill on their children.

share the blessing
by: Anonymous

Our church holds a Share the Blessing twice a year. Our boys, 5 & 8, go through their toys and see what they believe they are willing to part with because they are done with them. It is a great learning experience for them as well as a wonderful clean up for me. I haven't had to take anything extra and add it to the give away box so far. They have done well! Keeping my fingers crossed they will always be good about sharing the blessings we have been given.

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