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I Like Paprika Recipe Manager App Very Much

Several readers below have shared what they think of the Paprika recipe manager app for digitally organizing recipes, meal planning and making grocery lists.

Christine says:

I like this app very, very much.

It was my original. I did tons of research for a good app.

After reading, reading, reading I chose Paprika.

The main reason was the support and how they kept up with the site.

Pepperplate did not.

It was highly recommended when I chose it.

It supports so many sites. I can go to sites not listed in the app and it will work for the most part.

If it does not you can send an email and they will usually work it in.

If it does not automatically create you can create on the clipboard.

The most important for me is the ability to just adjust and scale the recipes I pick easily.

I like the fact that it has the meal planner and store list.

Ziplist was okay but I could not adjust. So I use Paprika.

There are more than enough recipes to last me a lifetime.

Taylor says:

Thanks so much for sharing this review Christine.

Unlike some of these recipe, grocery and meal planning apps (such as the two she mentioned above but didn't like as well), this one isn't free. Instead, Paprika costs $4.99.

It is available for both Apple and Android products.

How To Get The App

You can get it here, through my referral link, if you have an Apple device:
I'd love to hear from even more people who've tried this app, to share what they think about it. You can share your review here and I'll add it to the page.

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Lots Of People Use It Making Swapping Recipes Easy

by Elizabeth

Several reviews of the Paprika Recipe Manager app for both Apple and Android that helps with meal planning, making your grocery list, and recipe organization {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

I love it! Half of the folk I exchange recipes with use it, making swapping easy. Half use other programs.

As the website and link is contained in the recipe, I just send that and they can import it. No big issue for us.

I use my iPad for the kitchen, and the Iphone for shopping. I don't miss it on my windows laptop at all.

The menus are great for remembering past dinner parties, simplifying the next entertaining event.

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Love It On My iPad: Makes Pulling Recipes From Web A Breeze

by Shelley

Elizabeth said: I use my iPad for the kitchen, and the Iphone for shopping. I don't miss it on my windows laptop at all.

I LOVE THIS APP. I tried Excel, BigOven, Evernote, AllRecipes Dinner Spinner, and about 10 other things, but Paprika is so easy.

On the iPad, pulling in my recipes from the web was a breeze. You literally copy the URL, toggle over to Paprika, and the app says, "Hey, I see you have a URL copied. Wanna import this recipe?" Two clicks later and it's all there, usually with the picture and the source. Easy peasy.

My only gripe is that I don't have a Mac, so I can't figure out how to get the app over to my iPhone. Elizabeth - did you just pay the $4.99 twice and it worked on both devices?

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I Use Paprika On My Kindle Fire

by Lucinda

I absolutely love Paprika on my Kindle Fire!

It has streamlined meal planning and shopping for me.

It also has eliminated my former state of always searching for recipes in my recipe file and cookbook collection. It has made cooking a joy again!

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Why You May Not Want To Use Paprika: Easy To Import Recipes But Not Easy To Export Them

Mike A. says:

I’m a convert from Mastercook V11 which did not have the features Paprika offered.

However, since switching to Paprika on my iPad, and Android phones, I feel like a prisoner to the app.

I am no longer able to use a Windows based application with my recipes on the iPad or handheld devices.

There is no support for Windows or even an export format to allow me to import into a Windows recipe manager.

Paprika imported my Mastercook exported recipes fairly well. But they do not offer the same export format so I can continue to have my recipes stored on my Windows laptop.

In other words, once you switch to Paprika you cannot go back or even coexist with your old recipe application(s).

Paprika supports import from several recipe formats including YummySoup, MacGourmet, MasterCook, MealMaster, Living Cookbook, Yum XML, and SousChef.

However, once those recipes are imported they are stranded inside Paprika. You can’t export to the same format you used to import and more importantly, you can’t easily share multiple recipes with anyone who does not use Paprika.

This is too bad. I just wanted to use Mastercook on my desktop and Paprika on my other devices.

I DID ASK Paprika support for help and was provided with a very condescending response from their support team. They basically told me to find someone else to import Paprika’s limited export formats; HTML or paprika recipes.

I guess it’s time to plan a strategy to go back to a program and app solution that’s more flexible than this one.

Too bad, I really liked the features and functions in this app but I’m not willing to isolate all my recipes into an iPad/Smartphone only solution.

Switching to a Macbook is not realistic at this time.

Taylor says:

Thanks Mike for taking the time to explain your experiences with this program.

If anyone else has used this or any other app for organizing recipes, making your grocery list or meal planning I'd love to hear your opinions and experiences as well. You can share your review here and I'll add it to the site.

How To Get The App

You can get it here, through my referral links if you've got an Apple device:

More Meal Planning, Grocery List & Recipe App Reviews:

I've got even more of these app reviews here on the site, because you guys have all, for various reasons, chosen different ones and sent in reviews.

Here are additional ones you might want to check out:
Several reviews of the Paprika Recipe Manager app for both Apple and Android that helps with meal planning, making your grocery list, and recipe organization {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Some links on this page are affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase a product through them I receive a small commission which helps me provide this information to you for free, plus support my family. My integrity and your satisfaction are very important to me so I only recommend products I would purchase myself, and that I believe would benefit you. To learn more please see my disclosure statement.

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Comments for Why You May Not Want To Use Paprika: Easy To Import Recipes But Not Easy To Export Them

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my thoughts
by: Ronda

I like it too although I wish the meal calendar was a little more refined.

for Mac
by: Anonymous

Just a note to tell you I use Paprika on my Mac Airbook. Love it.

use this and now I'm replacing all my notebooks full of recipes
by: Anonymous

I used to keep a large binder with all my recipes organized by category. It was getting out of hand and had expanded to cover three notebooks.

I recently switched to an app called Paprika and I love it. I'm going to discard all my notebooks. It's so much easier and very adaptable to suit individual needs.

I've created a file called "recipes to try" for all my aspirational recipes. They don't get filed by category unless they are tried and true.

it does sync across both Mac and PC
by: moosemoon

I haven't chosen the app I am going to use yet but I wanted Mike to know that Paprika will sync across both Mac and PC platforms. You do have to buy the app for each device although they will allow more than one PC on the same license key with permission.

Just thought you might want to add this to the review because that would have been a deal killer for me and now I am seriously looking at it.

It is also available on Nook.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this site. I have hope for an organized and clean home!

app is intuitive and a great organizing tool
by: Marcy Nelson

I have been using my ipad to cook from for several years. The Paprika app helps me standardize recipes from a vast list of web sites with the push of a button. I was keeping recipes in notes on the ipad. I have been able to cut and paste to move them over.

I have an Android phone, but after creating my weekly menu it is easy to create the shopping list and email it to my phone, and shop from the phone. No paper needed! And when someone asks for a recipe it is easy to email.

The app is intuitive, and a great organizing tool. It is worth the price as an app. It's out for windows now but it is pretty expensive at $20.00.

it was so good I broke down and bought this app
by: Gail

I do not like paying for apps but did purchase the Paprika recipe app for my Mac a few years ago. It was SO good, easy and helpful that I "broke down" and purchased it for my iPad also, and finally my iPhone! Recipes sync with their cloud, it is very easy to save from many websites with one button, organize into as many categories as you want, email a recipe to someone, etc.!

The developers are constantly improving the software and take suggestions from users! It is also available for Android devices and most recently, PC's. They have great menu planning and grocery list options, and I like that I can pull up a recipe while in the store if I need to see what ingredients I need to use. Recipes can also be easily scaled to serve a different number of people.

Complaints are unfounded
by: Patti

This is in response to Mike A’s review as I believe his complaints are unfounded. Paprika does have a Windows based app. If he means "website based", it does not. Regarding exporting recipes, I do know they can be directly exported to Pinterst and Evernote, at least from the iphone. I don’t know about others websites or devices, as I have no reason to do this. In addition, Paprika saves the link to the original the recipe, so all you have to do is tap on the link and it will take you there. Then you can import the recipe somewhere else if you want. But I don’t know why someone would want to bounce between several recipe managers. To share recipes from Paprika, all you have to do is tap the email button and send it, or tap on the source link if you want to send the original. Regarding exporting Paprika recipes to other recipe apps, that capability would be on the other app end as an import function and would not be Paprika’s responsibility to set up an export format to every available recipe manager out there. Like in Paprika, for example, you can import recipes from Pepperplate, because Paprika has set up that function. It wouldn’t be up to Pepperplate to set up a function to export to Paprika. It seems that’s what he is expecting Paprika to do, and that is an unreasonable expectation, and I think the response Paprika gave him about that is that it needs to be set up by the other recipe managers, like I said. Seems perfectly reasonable to me on Paprika’s part. Recipes are not stranded in Paprika once there and It is quite easy to get them out, just not via the way he expects them to.

Paprika is an awesome recipe manager and worth the $$. I have tried numerous others, and it is by far the best. A few $$ for such a great app is reasonable; it is by far better that every free app I have used. I think $19.99 for the desktop app is pricey and I balked at it for a few months and managed fine with just the iphone and ipad apps. But I finally bit the bullet and bought the Windows desktop app and it’s very convenient to have as well. Not necessary, but convenient.

problems with syncing
by: Anonymous

I have an unresolved problem with syncing computer with Kindle. I have been unsuccessful in getting the company to respond to my request for help.

NOW I only have 13 out of 87 recipes remaining on my computer. They disappeared when I performed a sync.

Can't tell you how DISTURBING this is as I don't have a list of the recipes. I thought Paprika was a reliable way to manage my recipes but am very disappointed in this program! I would not recommend this app and there seems to be little interest from the company regarding support for this product.

the app to simplify everything about food in your home
by: Anonymous

Get the app, it has changed my life. Organized and allowed me to customize recipes, (no more paper, download anything you find in a magazine, or type in your own) menu planning is easy, (and you have a record of what you planned using your recipes and what you cooked) shopping list is easy, and my husband can now help me shop. He always has the list on his phone and can go himself or go to the other end of the store when I'm there, deleting things as we go, meeting at the checkout. No more lists left at home. You can also record what you pay for stuff so you know a good deal when you see one.

Living Cookbook Conversion - MEH
by: Clyde

I need to convert my Living Cookbook recipes WITH PHOTOS. Paprika simply does not work for more than the first recipe it finds.

So Paprika is a no go for me.

Love/Hate relationship

I love and admire EVERYTHING about Paprika E X C E P T its non-existent Customer Service which is deplorably non-responsive. AKA never responds!

Love most things except grocery list
by: Rainy

I use Paprika on PC and Android. They sync great. Meal planner is great, recipe import is great, generating a grocery list is great.

BUT when I use the grocery list in the store and check off things as I get them and then try to delete just the things I've checked off, it's way too easy to accidentally tap remove all items instead of remove all checked items.

I wish there was a "are you sure" step or something in case I accidentally tap the wrong thing and they are right next to each other and the delete all items is actually easier to hit.

I've lost my entire grocery list several times this way and it infuriated me.

Other than that there is a lot to like about this app.

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