Pet Organization Ideas & Tips {Hall of Fame}

Here is a round up of tips and ideas for pet organization, submitted by readers who've been working on the Organize Pet Supplies Challenge here on the site, as part of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge.
As you know, I run the
52 Week Organized Home Challenge here on this site, and each week we tackle a different organizational task, where I provide you with an article with step by step instructions for doing the task.
This week we've been working on
organizing pet supplies (and you can click on the link to read this article).

However, along with my instructions I think it really helps with motivation and inspiration for everyone to also see what real people who are doing these challenges, right along with you, are accomplishing.
It shows you how these steps can improve your home and life, and also gives you practical ideas for how to go about organizing in the real world, which is, we all know, not quite what you see in magazines.
That's the idea behind these hall of fame posts that eventually I want to create for all of the challenges! (You can see a round up of all the halls of fame already created on this
Creative Storage Solutions & Home Organization Hall Of Fame page).
The ideas below are all real pictures from readers, just like you, who worked on this Challenge and accomplished great things!
There are ideas for organizing pet toys, dealing with all the small odds and ends your pet can accumulate like leashes, and more, as well as ideas for organizing grooming supplies and even all the paperwork and records your pets have.
If you'd like to get showcased in this or another hall of fame post here on the site it's simple to do. Just
submit your photos and accomplishments here and the best ones will be featured!
Good luck with your own pet supplies organization, and scroll down to see the ideas that have already been submitted!

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How To Organize Pet Toys

Here are a couple of photos sent in by readers showing how they organize pet toys in their homes.
The top photo is from Carmen, and her dog's name is Chloe. Carmen said, "Chloe's toys are in an open wicker basket, we like to hide her favorite toys in the bottom, she loves to dig for them. It's adorable. She likes to take them out and leave them all over the place!"
The bottom photo is from another reader, Angie, who also uses a basket for storage. She said, "Our dogs knows right where all their toys are. Now to teach them to put them back!"
Pets are very much like small children, they can easily pull out all their toys and you're most likely going to have to be quite involved in putting them away, a LOT.
That's OK! It's just how it is, but that means you should use a container that it's easy for you to refill, like a basket or cute little box.
Just keep enough toys for the container, and if you begin to accumulate too many of them go ahead and
declutter some of them.
Here are some examples of cute storage baskets made for pet toys you can use:
Pet Toy Storage Baskets {Referral Links}
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Idea For Organizing Lots Of Small Pet Supplies: Over The Door Shoe Organizer

Here's an idea from a reader, Kartika. She said, "So excited about this, had to post. I had such great intentions to follow along throughout the year and make a huge dent in this little house full of clutter. It's been slow going and I haven't been as successful as I'd like.
HOWEVER, my mom gave me this over the door hanging shoe organizer, and I'm not much of a shoe fiend, plus I have a
system in place for them already.
What I REALLY needed was a place to keep all our pet (mostly pup) related tools, accessories, and some toys. This is AWESOME, and there's a little bit of room to grow."
Great idea Kartika! This looks like it will work really well for you!
You can get similar over the door pocket organizers here:
Over The Door Shoe Organizers {Referral Links}
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Organizing Bathing & Grooming Supplies For Your Pet

Here's an idea from a reader, Linda, who used this challenge as an opportunity to organize some of her dog's bathing and grooming supplies.
Linda said, "Whew.... Even decluttered the dog...well her bath supplies! Bella has her own Thirty-One utility storage bags! The pink one I keep in the main
bathroom closet. Ready to pull out and everything I need to give her a bath is at the ready!
With my
bathroom clean/declutter I went through towels and shifted some of hers to rags and restocked hers from my stack of
bath towels that were quite worn.
Then I grabbed her another tote (striped) and stocked it with towels to
put in my car for her. We have been caught too many times on an outing to our state park and then I have a sopping wet dog to transport home in my car, I have a couple of towels just tossed in the car, but this way they are contained, and zipped shut so they won't fall out and make a cluttery mess in my car!
Bella is the declutter winner here today!!!!!!"
Great job Linda! What a great idea for organizing bathing and grooming supplies in your home.
Here are some additional products you can use for organizing these pet supplies in your home:
Grooming Supplies Organizers {Referral Links}
Linda also sent in this second photo of Bella, showing her with her toys!

Linda said, "Bella wins and gets to keep all of her toys, ruled as not clutter!!"
Yay Linda! If she plays with them, and you've got enough room to store them all, Bella's toys are definitely not clutter! She's a lucky and loved dog!
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Organizing Your Pet's Paperwork & Records

Paper is basically an inescapable part of life for everyone, including pets.
Here's how a reader, Samantha,
organized the paperwork for her pets.
She said, "Each dog has their own file for their important paperwork (vaccination info, microchip #'s) and their stuff (old collars and tags, stuff from daycare, like bandanas and treat bags), and updated photos in case they get lost so I can post a flyer immediately.
If we take the dogs overnight the folders come with us. I do keep everything that is related to each dog. I'm silly that way. They are my babies. :P Bayou is pink and Julep is green. In case of an emergency I can grab a folder and go. No having to slag through paper files to weed out their stuff."
You can use some of these pre-made pet paperwork organizers if you need some help with this task for yourself:
Pet Document Organizers {Referral Links}
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