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DIY Plastic Bag Holder Ideas Using Upcycled Containers

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I've collected 6 different DIY plastic bag holder ideas below, showing how you can contain your plastic shopping bags easily without having to buy anything.

Instead, just look around your home and I bet you'll find one of these containers that you can upcycle and make into a homemade plastic bag dispenser of sorts.

Declutter & Recycle Plastic Grocery Bags Mission
You'll be surprised how many bags you can fit into one of these little containers, especially if you fold or wad them tightly.

In fact, I would suggest that after you save a reasonable amount in one of these holder that you recycle the additional ones you have that don't fit in the container, because honestly how many of them do you really need at one time?

All of these photos were shared by readers. If you've got your own upcycled creation you'd like to have featured as well just submit your photos here, and I'll add the best ones to the site!

Scroll down to see all the ideas!

Six DIY ideas for repurposing common containers in your home to make plastic bag holders and dispensers {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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Make A Grocery Bag Holder From Cleaning Wipes Container

Upcycle and reuse an old cleaning wipes container to hold a few plastic grocery bags for reuse in your kitchen or bathroom {featured on Home Storage Solutions 101} #BathroomOrganization #KitchenOrganization #OrganizingTipsuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Here's another simple solution which also naturally makes a simple dispenser for your shopping bags -- a cleaning wipes container.

The picture on the right is from a reader, Jilena, who said: "Grocery bag solution! You'd be surprised how many bags can fit in these! I keep one in my car too for car garbage."

The photo on the left is from another reader, Elisabeth, who said, "We keep these in the kitchen and bathroom."

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Baby Wipes Container As Plastic Bag Dispenser & Storage

Upcycle or repurpose a baby wipes container to make a plastic shopping bag dispenser for your kitchen, bathroom, or other places in your home or car {featured on Home Storage Solutions 101} #Repurposed #KitchenOrganization #OrganizingTipsuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Baby wipes containers are perfect for use as a plastic bag dispenser, as seen from these photos of two readers above.

The top photo of the collage is from a reader, Jennifer, who said, "I used an empty baby wipes container. I threw out bags with holes and rolled up the rest since we use these bags for cat litter."

The bottom photo of the collage is from another reader, Ashley. She said, "I decluttered my plastic grocery bags. I recently potty trained my son, YEAH! And I had an extra baby wipes box. I folded my grocery bags and stacked them inside. It's easy to pull one out at a time and they take up a lot less space. I fit over 30 bags inside! Eventually I will decorate the box with paint or paper."

In addition to using a baby wipes container as a plastic bag dispenser, it can also be used as a storage box for folded up plastic shopping bags, which is exactly what another reader, Amanda, did.

Use a baby wipes container to store your plastic shopping bags, after they've been folded {featured on Home Storage Solutions 101} #Repurposed #OrganizingTips #HomeOrganizationuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Amanda said, "I fold our bags like paper footballs and store them in an old wipes container. We use them for our small garbage cans."

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Make A Bag Dispenser Using A Coffee Canister Or Oatmeal Container

Repurpose an old coffee canister or similarly shaped plastic container and use it as a DIY plastic shopping bag dispenser {featured on Home Storage Solutions 101} #Repurposing #KitchenOrganization #OrganizingHacksuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

You can also use many types of round containers, such as coffee canisters or old oatmeal containers, to make a homemade bag dispenser, especially if these containers have a lid.

The example photos above show how to use a coffee canister or similarly shaped plastic container for this purpose.

The photo on the left of the above collage was sent in by a reader, Karen, while the one on the right was sent in by another reader named Karen, who explained that she'd placed "duct tape on a coffee can" as decoration.

Similarly, you can also use a cardboard container as a dispenser, such as those commonly found for oatmeal.

How to make a DIY plastic bag dispenser from an old oatmeal container {featured on Home Storage Solutions 101} #Upcycling #KitchenOrganization #HomeOrganizationuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

All three pictures in the above collage were sent in by a reader, Linda. She explained, "I made this out of an old oatmeal container. We use grocery bags for cat litter and small trash can liners."

All you've got to do to the oatmeal container is cut a hole at the bottom to be used as the dispenser.

To get the bags to easily dispense she took a photo showing how she arranges and rolls the bags to put them inside the container. She explained, "I flatten the bags, fold them in half and layer them and roll them up. Takes up less space and when you you pull one out the next one pops out."

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DIY Bag Holder Using Tissue Box

This next idea is quite popular, and quite a few readers have submitted their photos showing me how they do it. It's to use an old tissue box to store the bags.

The photo above is from a reader, Stephanie, who says: "I fold then before I put then in so they come out neatly!"

It is surprising how many of these bags will fit into such a small box, but look at these before and after photos from a reader, Consuelo, who did this. Look how many fit!

DIY grocery bag dispenser using old tissue box {featured on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Consuelo says: "I wrap a bag around my fingers and tuck the end in. Each ball is then placed into an empty tissue box."

Here's a couple more pictures from additional readers. The left hand picture is from Elizabeth who said, "We do the tissue box too." The right hand photo is from Hilary, who explained, "an old Kleenex box works great too, and I have one stored in my car as well so I have garbage bags when needed."

Repurposing idea: Use tissue boxes to hold plastic grocery bags, as an easy DIY plastic bag holder {featured on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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Tide Pods Container Makes A Perfect Plastic Bag Dispenser

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This photo was shared by a reader, Tina.

She explained that she liked many of the ideas shown below, but that "this is my favorite. You can close the lid and no one even knows they are there!!"

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Use Plastic Milk Jug For Holding These Bags

Upcycle and repurpose an old plastic milk jug to become a plastic bag holder and dispenser in your kitchen {featured on Home Storage Solutions 101} #KitchenOrganization #OrganizingTips #Repurposinguse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

The final idea that a couple of readers suggested was to use a washed out plastic milk jug.

The photo on the right in the collage is from a reader, Amanda, who says: "I put my used shopping bags in my old washed out milk jug. When it's full you can work on a new jug to put upstairs in a linen closet for bathrooms or bedrooms."

Similarly, the photo to the left in the collage is from Sheila, who does something quite similar.

Both ladies cut a hole in the jug so that they can both insert and then pull out the bags as needed.

More Home Storage Solutions

{A-Z} Storage Solutions & Ideas
I hope you enjoyed these ideas for homemade and DIY plastic grocery bag holders.

There are even more ideas for storage and organizing on the site in the {A-Z} Storage Solutions & Ideas round up page. Go check it out if you'd like to see even more ideas.

In addition, if these ideas have inspired you to organize even more things in your kitchen make sure to read the Kitchen Cabinet & Drawer Organization Challenge, which is part of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge I run on the site!

You can also get lots of ideas for how to re-use and repurpose all these plastic grocery and shopping bags here:

11 uses for plastic bags around your home

6 DIY repurposed plastic bag holder ideas you can use to organize and store your plastic shopping bags in your kitchen, bathroom, car, or elsewhere in your home using containers you most likely already have {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #Repurposed #OrganizingTips #Organizinguse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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Comments for Use Plastic Milk Jug For Holding These Bags

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I use empty Kleenex boxes too!
by: Anonymous

I put mine in an empty Kleenex box and use for pet poop disposal. Each box will hold about 25 bags. I keep a box in each car and several under sink to use for trash. I have several trash bag plastic forms that hold grocery bags I got at Walmart several years ago. Then I put in large garbage can in basement.

we keep a cloth bag filled with them by the front door
by: BarBara

My husband had a great idea using a cloth bag with a tie string. We hang it on our coat rack by the front door and stuff it full of plastic bags. The ones that we get from the store that holds our fruit. When we take our pup for a walk we just pull a bag out and use it to pick up poop! We don't have to buy the bags and it is so handy!

recycle them if you have a lot!
by: Anonymous

If you have that many grocery bags why not recycle them at your grocery store? Many stores have a big box at the entrance where you can drop your bags for recycling.

response to suggestion to recycle them
by: Taylor

Hi Anonymous, you're absolutely right that if you've got more than you can reasonably reuse for other purposes it is best to recycle the excess. In fact, that's a suggestion, and an entire Declutter 365 mission that I mention at the very beginning of this article for that very reason! :)

I use an empty wipes container too!
by: Anonymous

To store your plastic bags take an empty Clorox wipes, or Lysol pop up, wash it really well, and then put your bags in there one at a time. Make sure to place them so that when you pull out one the next one pops up. Keep one in your car as well for those trips with the kids.

bag holder
by: nancy

Before throwing away your box that held your garbage bags whether it be store, or name brand, I saw where it was posted on Facebook, but now I can't find it. From what I can remember, you put one bag into the box. Next you slide the new bag through the handle of the first bag and so forth. Continue until your box or container is full, then just pull the one you need out. I used a qt size baggy box. It really works, the only thing is I don't have a bigger one to see how many it will hold.

we use Crystal Lite or Kool Aid containers
by: Mari R

We use our empty plastic Crystal Lite or Kool Aid containers to keep our plastic bags in. Snap the lid on and throw them in your overnight bag for dirty clothes, in the car, truck, boat for trash. I have a container in each bathroom under the sink by the kitty litter - very handy and repurposing a perfectly good plastic container.

plastic bag dispenser
by: Epifania

How do you stack them in so that they will come out one at a time in an orderly fashion? Thanks!

How I recycle and reuse them
by: Anonymous

I recycle by using them for garbage bags. I purchase plastic garbage containers the size that accommodates the generic grocery plastic bags, some even have indentations to attach the bags' handles. I also have a smaller 'bathroom-size' plastic garbage holder that I keep the bags in until time to use them or take to Publix to recycle. Recycling and saving money.

I keep as many as I can in the bottom of the garbage container where they are always handy.

Plastic Bag recycling
by: Anonymous

I save about 5-6 plastic bags for my personal use and then fold up the bags in lots of 10 each, rubber band them and donate to the local food pantry where they are always grateful for the donation.

best holder for multiple bags . . .
by: Jean Gray

The best holder for multiple bags, seems to be a plastic grocery bag, with a small hole in the bottom. If using plastic bags or containers be sure they are absolutely dry and away from humidity to prevent mold. Keep extra under the open bag in each trash can and in vehicles.

tissue box
by: Darlene

I use tissue boxes also! It's so interesting to see how others recycle things.

Plastic bag mats to sleep on.
by: Anonymous

These bags are crocheted into mats to sleep on in Haiti. It takes around 700 bags to make one mat. A Lutheran church group makes these mats locally. This is another way to recycle these bags. Check out Mats For Haiti.

Recyle plastic bags
by: rene40

Years ago I would watch my Grandmother crochet plastic bread bags into mats and rugs. I imagine someone could cut some of these bags in half into bread bag size and do the same.

Nowadays I accumulate bags into another larger bag and when I have a bag full I take them to a local charity resale shop. They use them to bag purchases for customers. It saves $$ on their bottom line, which helps them lower their operating costs. That, in turn, allows them to allocate more $$ to the charity.

Ice bag holder
by: Genie

I use an ice bag to hold my plastic bags. Untie it, don't cut the handle. I hang it on the back of my pantry door, right next to the wall magazine rack that holds my appliance booklets. When the bag is full, I recycle the other bags.

donating excess bags to food pantries
by: Anonymous

I think all of these storage ideas are great ideas, but I wanted to let all your readers know that food pantries -- like the one for which I volunteer -- are in constant need of bags for our clients. If you have more grocery bags -- paper or plastic -- than you need, please check with your local food pantry. I used to use reusable shopping bags until I became aware of how desperate the food pantry is for the recycled grocery bags.

No need
by: Glenna

I keep two for my smaller wastebaskets. I store them in the bottom of the container so when I grab current bag to toss, next one is right there. I recycle the rest. I do the same with garbage bags. Store in bottom of garbage can. I like this idea but don't need another container to store for either one.

Repurposed containers
by: Anonymous

Suggest always using a permanent marker to clearly label repurposed containers.

Cloth bags
by: Susan

I was given 2 cloth bags from our local Kroger. I keep all my plastic bags in one of them. I give most to a friend that uses them to clean out her cat boxes. The rest I recycle at my Kroger store.

Recycling bags-- NOT!
by: kaytee

Before you take your bags to the grocery store to "recycle"-- check to see if they actually recycle them. My sons worked for drug and grocery stores, which had "recycling" collection bins, and when they were full, they were emptied into the dumpster. Why? No recycling center locally would take them, because they are too expensive to "process".

Reuse Grocery Bags
by: Anonymous

The three R’S for conservation are receive, reuse, recycle. Our local thrift stores are always glad to get bags.

Reduce plastic use canvas
by: Kim

I started using canvas tote bags for grocery shopping 10 years ago. It was easy to make them a habit. I sewed up canvas bags with sturdy straps and put them in my trunk as soon as I empty them.They can handle a lot of groceries and are easy to carry.It's only a matter of time before stores stop offering bags-I still get a few and for those I use a small coffee can with a hole in the lid and it hangs in my broom closet.

Waste not, want not
by: Jane

I have recycled plastic and paper bags for years. I give some plastic bags to a lady at the American Legion Auxiliary who makes mats for the homeless. A lot are given to our church youth for our Backpacks of Hope project. I also use them in the small trash cans. I save larger bags to put items for the Goodwill. I don't like them wadded up so I fold them lengthwise twice then top to bottom twice to get more in the bag where stored. The paper bags are folded and kept in a sturdy plastic bag. I mainly use these for holding my recycle paper items, then the whole bag is put into the recycle bin. I find all kinds of uses for both in any situation.

decorating the container
by: bahamoma

I cover my Tide Pod container with wallpaper to coordinate bath.

teacher friends?
by: Jeanie

If you know a teacher, they may be able to use those bags in their classroom. Kids ask me for bags all the time. Sometimes their bookbags break, or they had to change clothes, or they need to take that art project home. I always keep about 20 of them in a drawer. You'd be surprised how handy they are.

yet another use for plastic bags...
by: Hanny

My local thrift store is ever so grateful when I give them my clean, used plastic bags...

Give to people who can use the
by: Anonymous

A gentleman near us grows/sells homegrown tomatoes. I save my plastic bags for him to provide at his tomato stand.

Animal shelters take them too!
by: Petra

We take our excess to the local animal shelter where they have lots of uses for them. We use the tissue box method to store the ones we keep for our pet cleanups.

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