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Rubbermaid Bento Boxes
Decorative Storage Box Plus Organizer

Rubbermaid Bento Boxes are designed to not only store objects, but to keep the contents organized at the same time.

Rubbermaid Bento Boxes are designed to not only store objects, but to keep the contents organized at the same time. Therefore, they serve as both a decorative storage box and an organizer at the same time {featured on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

These are a type of decorative storage boxes that not only look nice in your room, but also have flex dividers within them which allows you to customize the inside of the box, so you can make space for all types of items.

The internal flex dividers within the boxes help keep items organized within these decorative storage boxes, and keep items from just being in a jumbled mess within the box. The dividers can be inidividually popped open or closed.

rubbermaid bento boxes

In addition, the toppers to the boxes can be used as lids, or can act as a tray to keep things corralled in a small area. Please note when purchasing these boxes that you must buy the lids separately, so consider whether you want them or not and make sure you get a set that has them, if you want them.

These bento boxes come in a variety of sizes. Those that are the same size can stack on top of one another, and those that are smaller in size can nest within the larger ones when not in use for more efficient storage.

The set shown to the right is colored "paprika." However, there are a couple of other colors also available for purchase, all of which are covered with a heavy-duty decorative fabric.

Some Of The Most Popular Varieties Of Rubbermaid Bento Boxes Available

Rubbermaid Bento Boxes are designed to not only store objects, but to keep the contents organized at the same time. Therefore, they serve as both a decorative storage box and an organizer at the same time {featured on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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