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Declutter & Organize Silverware Drawer Hall Of Fame

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You most likely open and close your silverware drawer at least a couple times a day, and in most homes it is one of the most used storage areas in the kitchen.

kitchen cabinet organization challenge
Since it is utilized so much, why not make sure it is decluttered and organized so that it is easy to open and find things in?

Therefore, as part of the Kitchen Drawer & Cabinet Organization Challenge I suggest everyone take a few minutes and work on this drawer (or whatever other location you keep your cutlery or flatware).

There really isn't much to this task normally. Just clear out things that shouldn't be in there, make sure things are separated properly and neaten up a bit.

Sometimes, you may discover that you have too many pieces of silverware, and if that's the case make sure to also declutter and not just tidy up during this mission.

That's exactly what a reader, Holly, did in the before and after photos she sent in, below.

How to #declutter and then organize your silverware drawer {a #Declutter365 mission on Home Storage Solutions 101} #KitchenOrganizationuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest
Holly removed excess stuff from the drawer that didn't belong, like excess condiment packets from take out, and then also some of the excess silverware itself.

To determine if you've got too much (or not enough) silverware, consider how many people you've got in your household, and try to have enough silverware for at least a full day's worth of

That way, as you wash your dishes at night you can make all your silverware ready for use again the next day.

Once you've got the drawer decluttered, next it's time to organize.

If you don't have some type of tray or organizer in your drawer I suggest you get one. It is the simplest way to keep all your forks, knives, spoons, etc. separated and ready to grab when you're setting the table for a meal.

The issue comes in when you've got some specialty silverware, such as if you've got plastic or baby spoons for your kids, or steak knives, or grapefruit spoons.

Some organizer trays do a better job accommodating these different items than others. You should definitely keep that in mind when purchasing any storage solution for your silverware.

After you've done this quick little organizing mission send me your before and after pictures here and I'll add some of the best ones to the page.

I'd also love your thoughts on how to deal with these extra types of flatware or cutlery, and how you keep them organized in the drawers!

Below I've got some of those photos sent in by readers, to show you what you can accomplish for yourself, plus ideas for what containers work best for organizing silverware.

Top photo courtesy of, featuring Seville Classics Expandable Bamboo Cutlery Drawer Organizer

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What A Difference A Few Minutes Of Effort Make

Keli shared her before and after pictures on the site's Facebook page, which are shown above.

Thanks so much for sharing! Great work!

In addition, here's another before and after set of photos from a reader, Maura.

How to #declutter your silverware drawer so that it is easy to keep organized from now on {#Declutter365 mission on Home Storage Solutions 101} #KitchenOrganizationuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Maura explained, "I moved a bunch of extra silverware out of the drawer and moved the plastic silverware to the ziploc baggies/saran wrap drawer. I didn't have money to buy any more silverware dividers tonight, but found a very sturdy candy box that in using to hold slotted spoons in back and steak knives in the front for now! So happy I did this!"

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Periodic Straightening Of This Drawer Will Make A Huge Difference

by Bec



Bec from 2012 - The Year of Challenges shared her before and after pictures.

She just straightened up this drawer, already having an organizer in place, but clearly that can make a huge visual difference.

This just shows that it isn't just a storage solution that is needed to keep you organized, but also periodic maintenance of even organized areas to keep things looking and functioning well.

Here are some good organizers for your drawers:

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Using Small Drawer Baskets To Organize Silverware

by Tina

Tina shared what her drawer looks like.

She has chosen to use individual little storage baskets for each type of silverware, which deals with the issue of certain organizer trays not accommodating certain types of cutlery or silverware.

These baskets can slide around some though, so this is a possible disadvantage, but still might be a good choice for homes with small kids that have lots of kiddie spoons and forks.

***Update: A reader, Nancy B. gave a suggestion for the sliding issue, that I wanted to share here. Nancy suggested:
I bought small trays like these for my bathroom and kitchen drawers, and I also had a sliding problem. I took out the trays and installed a Rubbermaid lining, that fixed the problem.
Genius idea! Thanks for sharing it! ***End Update

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Cleaned & Straightened Mine So Ready For Company

by Joanna

Joana took the challenge to straighten up and re-organize this drawer quickly, and shared her end results.

Great job! Looks wonderful. And what a huge drawer you've got. Totally envious.

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Lovely Organized Flatware Drawer

by Susan

Susan from Camp Slinkard took an after picture of her organized flatware.

This is so lovely Susan! Looks great!

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Organized Cutlery Drawer: Before & After Pics

by Lee-Anne



Lee-Anne from Life In A Peanut Free Shell shared the before and after pictures of her cutlery drawer.

She said of the before picture: "This one had become a catch-all for all the little paperwork we kept for some reason, like receipts from Christmas 2 years ago LOL."

She explained the after picture, saying "I got rid of all the paperwork, turned the containers around, added a couple extra containers and voila."

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Homemade Drawer Organizer Worked For Reecea

by Reecea

Reecea from Fresh Juniper shared an after picture of this drawer.

She said, the "silverware drawer was in the right spot, but it needed help.

I used some empty plastic spice jars and lids as sub-dividers. They worked pretty well between my built-in wooden drawer dividers.

Because the lids are the screw-on type they adjust to get a bit shorter or longer, which was just perfect for my purpose here.

I hadn't made it to the store to buy the contact paper yet to line the drawers so I used some leftover Charlie Brown and Snoopy Christmas wrapping paper for drawer liners and spice jar wrap.

What do you think? Too cheesy? I kind of like it."

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Judy Also Made Homemade Drawer Dividers For Her Silverware

by Judy

Judy made her own drawer dividers. (She explained more about how she did it in this submission about her utensil drawer.)

Then, she did some extra steps for these dividers, since the knife blades could in theory work under the wood. She explained:

"After the glue was set in this drawer I used clear caulk along the bottom and side joints to prevent thin parts of the silverware (knife blades, etc.) from working their way under and loosening the glue. Then I added the liner, bringing it up just a bit, also to prevent thin parts from working under."

It looks great Judy! You did a wonderful job and it looks awesome.

I featured this picture on the Facebook page and it generated some comments about the length of the drawer. Judy clarified: "Actually, the drawer is only about 20 inches from front to back. It just looks long."

Consider How You'll Clean Crumbs Out Of Drawers With Build In Dividers

Another thing that was discussed when I posted this photo on Facebook was how to clean out a silverware drawer of crumbs when you've got built in dividers like this.

It's a valid point, because for some reason it seems like this drawer always does get lots of crumbs for some reason. More than others I think.

Sue said: "I like to take my organizer out to clean it! Although I guess you can always remove the drawer and empty the crumbs that way!"

Kay provided a solution for this though, saying, "To clean, just use the crevice tool or boar's hair bristle brush on the end of the hose if you have a canister vacuum. You don't even have to empty the drawer."

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Keeping Utensils & Cutlery Together Works Too!

by Hannah



Hannah from Cupcake Mumma shared before and after picture of her cutlery drawer.

She stated: "Yes it still possibly looks a bit messy to some but it's actually about as tidy as I will get it! Little Miss and Other Half are always getting their hands in this draw and messing it up which is most annoying! This however is improvement!"

I agree Hannah! This is perfect for your needs and with small kids we all know realistically complete straight all the time will never happen. That is OK. Functional is always perfect! :)

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Ah! It's Beautiful Now!

by Katy

Katy at Thrift Me shared her after picture.

She called it an organizing success, and I would agree!

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Storing Silverware In Drawers With These Storage Containers

by Sandra

Sandra sent in this storage tip on the Facebook wall while working on the 52 Weeks to an Organized Home Challenge.

Sandra says:

Here is my tip for the day! This works so much better for me, my drawers are pretty narrow, but these fit perfectly. They hold more and all the space in the drawer is used!

Taylor says:

Thanks so much for the picture and tip Sandra! Actually, another reader, Tina, showed something similar too above for organizing her kitchen drawers. Great minds must think alike, right?

Like I said above, I love these little slim plastic baskets, since you can store all kinds of things in them. They are just so versatile!

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If you get excited about cleaning out kitchen drawers make sure to also check out the following pages:
Organized silverware drawer hall of fame on Home Storage Solutions 101, showing readers who've taken on the declutter and tidy your silverware drawer mission.use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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Comments for Storing Silverware In Drawers With These Storage Containers

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organize with most used in the front
by: Noreen

I would have organized it according to most used in the front, least often in the back. Teaspoons, then forks, then knives, then tablespoons, then salad forks.

preference for organizing flatware
by: Sarah

I like to organize my flatware in the same way the table is set. Salad fork, dinner fork, knife, spoon, iced tea spoon etc.

Spice Jars = Genius
by: Lisa G.

I love the idea of upcycling the plastic spice jars as drawer dividers! What a great way to create more space for no cost. I will be stealing this idea as I complete the challenge this week. Thanks for sharing your creative genius!

What do I really use?
by: Jenifer

I found that most of my clutter was gadgets that I use only occasionally and some silverplate that I don't use every day at all. All these have found a home where I can access them when needed but they are no longer in the way!

Stop Trays from Sliding Around with Velco
by: Kathy F

I'm was always annoyed that my silverware holder slid back every time I opened the drawer. A rubber backed liner didn't work. It only bunched up.

The best fix is sticky Velcro tape or round dots. Just place them on the bottom of the holder and fasten to the bottom of the drawer. No More Sliding!!! I found them at the hardware store.

I do not know why I never thought of this 30 years ago!

Cookware drawer
by: Nicole

My silverware drawer is very organized already but my cookware drawer is a disaster. Any advice?

response re question about cookware drawer
by: Taylor

Hi Nicole, here's my article about kitchen utensil storage ideas which should hopefully help you with that drawer!

Charlie Brown wrapping paper
by: Anonymous

The idea is great, but the wrapping paper is too busy for my liking. I prefer a solid color as it looks neater. The print looks messy.

Kitchen Silverware
by: Danielle

I have a set of silverware, but of course, have accumulated pieces that are from former sets or that are random. These pieces are handy for things like bringing lunch to work or road trips.

I separated the set of silverware and put all the rest of the "grab and go" silverware in a separate container so it is not messy and commingled. As I keep things like corn on the cob hooks and stuff in that drawer, I moved it to the back instead of the front. And I purged!

Great first project, I'm in!

by: Libbmom

Velcro dots would work great for using the small drawer baskets. Put one on each end, no more sliding baskets. I use these baskets but am fortunate that they fit snug in the drawer.

by: Anonymous

Anytime you have something that wants to slide, consider Velcro

Happy with my efforts
by: DeeT

Finished my decluttering of my counter tops and my silverware drawers and I am very pleased with myself. Things are looking good!! I have a small kitchen, so it is easy to develop areas of clutter. Things looking much more streamlined and clean now.

Fixing the Sliding Issue
by: Kate

To keep small drawer organizers from sliding around, just apply a small bit of Sticky Tack to the bottom! :)

by: Lisa Cochran

You can put puddy on the bottom of these trays/baskets to keep them from sliding around. I use that for the baskets in my bathroom, under the sink.

Silverware Drawer
by: Mountaingirl

As I was looking at the pictures and reading the comments, I realized that I do something a little different that I had not even realized before. It may not work for everyone but it does for me.

I put my silverware trays in the drawer horizontally, that way 2 drawers will fit in and give me additional drawer space. In the back one I keep the plastic ware when it comes along, and other less frequent use items, or extra spoons which I seem to accumulate. I also have space along the ends where I keep my paring knives and one other large knife.

I might add this too, for years I have stored my large cheese grater under the trays, to protect hands from being cut by keeping it in another drawer. It is seldom used, I just departed with an extra one that I had. No-one even knows that it is there! I usually clean my drawer monthly. It does not take very long.

shelf liner?
by: Anonymous

Do you use shelf liner in silverware drawer? What I have is not working. Everything keeps sliding.

put little used items in the back
by: Peggy

I only have one drawer for my cutlery and misc. items, so I thought about what you said yesterday about putting minimally used items to the back of the drawer. It really makes a difference and I even found some cutlery of my neighbors. Good to have it back in order. Thank you for your suggestions.

Rebecca's Peanuts Themed Drawer Organizer
by: Anonymous

Rebecca, this organizer is efficient, creative and nostalgic!! It warmed my heart to see those little Charlie Brown faces.

cleaned it as well
by: Donbmar

My son and I took the actual drawer out. We cleaned it with degreaser. My husband repaired the drawer since it was coming apart. We then took all of the silverware out of the storage container. We washed the storage container with hot water and soap. Then, we put all of the silverware back in and threw away broken items, and straws and other items that didn't need to be there. It looks so much better. Thank you for suggesting this activity.

How much?
by: Andzelika

And I have a question: how much cutlery for a family?

Great Idea
by: Anonymous

I love the tip to put the plastic cutlery with the saran wrap. I haven't begun to empty yet, but I was wondering what I could do. Thanks!!

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