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Get Your Ticket To The Simplify Your Summer Online Summit

Grab Your Free Ticket Or All Access Pass

FTC Disclosure: I have partnered with the Summit to tell you about this online summer conference that I'm presenting at. As an affiliate I receive a commission if you purchase an All Access Pass through my link, at no additional cost to you.

Get your ticket to the Simplify Your Summer Online Summit to learn from 30 experts (including me, Taylor) how to have a less stressful and more fun summer this year.

And the best part, you can watch it for free during the summit, from May 28-31, 2024, or get the all access pass for lifetime access! Find out more information below about this summer conference.

Get your free ticket or all access pass to the Simplify Your Summer Online Summit to learn from 30 experts (including me, Taylor) about how to have a less stressful and more summer this year {learn more on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

It's almost summer time. Are you ready?

While the idea of summer is always really exciting and fun, with ideas about no school, vacations, sitting by the pool, and cookouts, but we all know that summer isn't all fun and games. Instead, it can be stressful, with the changes in schedules and routines for the whole family, as well as making sure you actually find some time and energy to do all those "fun" things like vacations, getting to the pool, and hosting that cookout for family and friends.

That’s why we created the Simplify Your Summer Online Summit where you can learn from 30 speakers (including me, Taylor) who will teach you the tools to simplify your life, manage daily chaos, and make sure that this summer is less stressful, and more fun.⁠

Make Sure To Claim Your Free Ticket & Mark Your Calendar

I know you don't want to miss it, especially when it's absolutely free, so here are the important details:

  • When is it? May 28-31, 2024 (that's Tuesday through Friday)
  • How to watch it for free? Claim your free ticket here, and then await your email that provides you with limited access to all the sessions, starting May 28th.
  • Once the conference starts on May 28th, log in to the link provided in your email, and be sure to watch not only the sessions, but also participate in the live events that are happening that week, even for free ticket holders.
  • Free ticket holders will have 24 hour access to each session, starting at the time listed for that session to begin. For example, my session is on Wednesday, May 29th, at 3:00 p.m. EST, which means it will be available through 3:00 p.m. the following day.
Register for the summit here (free)

Here's how much longer you've got to claim your free ticket (and also to purchase your all access pass, if you want limetime access, before the price raises):


What You'll Learn During This Summit From 30 Experts

There are 30 experts providing workshops during this summit. You'll be learning about:

  • Self-care
  • Home management
  • Meals
  • Time management
  • Getting stuff done
  • Managing mom life + working mom life

In addition to myself, I'm sure you'll recognize several more of these experts who are also presenting, all of whom are so excited to share our hard-won knowledge with you, to make this one of your best summers yet.

Learn how to have time for what really matters to you this holiday from 21 experts in their field for FREE {learn more on Home Storage Solutions 101}

Register for the summit here (free)

Some Of The Sessions I'm Most Excited About In The Summit

There are 30 experts speaking at the summit, for 32 workshops, and there are several that I'm especially excited about.

If for no other reason, please grab your free ticket so you can watch my session on Wednesday, May 29th, at 3:00 p.m. EST, all about staying on top of clutter with everyone at home!

In addition though, here's some more of the sessions I can't wait to dive into, and I know you'll love too:

  • How to do a weekly home reset, with Jennifer Roskamp
  • Batch cooking freezer meals, with Erin Chase
  • Creative ways to cook with leftovers and staples, with Mauri King
  • Routines that create a more balanced life, with Joann Crohn
  • Planning to win your day before lunchtime, with Jennifer Roskamp
  • Tiny tasks and how to make the most of them during the summer, with Melissa James
  • Being a working mom with competing priorities, with Ruth Soukup
  • Of course, that's just a sampling of the sessions offered, so come grab your free ticket, or upgrade to the all access pass, and make plans to watch as many of these 32 sessions (or all of them!) so you can have a wonderful summer this year!

    Register for the summit here (free)

    More About My {Taylor's} Presentation

    The topic of my talk is all about staying on top of clutter with everyone at home.

    If for no other reason, I encourage you to get your free ticket so you can watch this session. It is just about a half hour long, and will air on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. EST.

    Don't miss the Simplify Your Summer Online Summit, which includes Taylor's presentation about staying on top of clutter with everyone home {learn more on Home Storage Solutions 101}

    Register for the summit here (free)

    Get Lifetime Access With The All Access Pass

    If you'd like to go ahead and start watching the sessions now, you don't think you'll have a lot of time to watch the sessions during their free showing times, or you'd like lifetime access to watch all these sessions at your convenience, to give you more time to digest and take in all the information, then I suggest you get yourself the All Access Pass.

    The Summit Superstar All Access Pass is an optional upgrade that gives you on-demand + immediate and lifetime access to the video sessions so that you can watch all of the sessions at any time and as many times as you want!

    You will also have access to exclusive Superstar pass holder only summit sessions each day during the summit, more than $1,500 in speaker bonuses, cheat sheets for each presentation, exclusive VIP-only sessions throughout the summit, plus a devoted community of others who are focused on having their best summer ever - just like you!

    What's included in the summit superstar all access pass

    Once you sign up for the basic pass, you'll then be given the opportunity to upgrade to the All Access Pass, if you're interested, or you can purchase at this link:

    Click here to purchase the summit superstar all access pass

    When You Get The All Access Pass You'll Also Get The 2024 Declutter 365 Planner Stickers

    As mentioned, the All Access Pass includes more than $1500 in bonuses, and one of these bonuses is my 2024 Declutter 365 Planner Stickers, a $20 value.

    If you live your life using a planner, like I do, you'll love these Declutter 365 planner stickers. This is a digital download formatted to allow you to print all 365 daily missions as daily to do stickers that you can stick right onto the pages of your planner. Then, each day you've got the daily task already listed in your planner, ready to incorporate into your daily to do list.

    What's included in the summit superstar all access pass

    Click here to purchase the summit superstar all access pass

    If you choose the free ticket, or upgrade to the all access pass, either way I hope to see you there at the summit!

    Remember, this is how much longer you've got to claim your free ticket (and also to purchase your all access pass, if you want limetime access, before the price raises):


    Register for the summit here (free)

    Some links on this page are affiliate links, meaning that if you purchase a product through them I receive a small commission which helps me provide this information to you for free, plus support my family. My integrity and your satisfaction are very important to me so I only recommend products I would purchase myself, and that I believe would benefit you. To learn more please see my disclosure statement.

    Learn about the All Access Pass for Get Organized HQ and get access to over 100 practical workshops for a stress free home

    Get Decluttering & Organizing Tips Newsletter


    Join the Home Storage Solutions 101 newsletter, and get as your free gift the 2024 Declutter 365 Calendar (a $20 value) from me, Taylor, your decluttering and organizing guide.

    When you work through the Declutter 365 missions, and accompanying 52 Week Organized Home Challenges, you'll be able to declutter your home one mission at a time, organize what's left, and learn the skills, habits and routines to maintain your space from now on.

    * indicates required

    Share Your Comments, Tips & Ideas

    I would love to hear from you, sharing your thoughts, questions, or ideas about this topic, so leave me a comment below. I try to always respond back!