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Stamp Out Hunger & Declutter Your Pantry Simultaneously {15 Minute Mission}

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Today I've got a bonus declutter mission for you, which is to participate in the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, which takes place nationwide in the United States, and declutter non-perishable items in your pantry.

This annual food drive happens this year on Saturday, May 13, 2023, and is organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers. That means early in the week typically those who get mail from the United States Postal Office will receive a bag from your letter carrier that you can use to fill with food.

stamp out hunger food drive
Then, on the day of the actual food drive you just put out your filled bag near your mailbox, before the mail carrier's normal stop at your location, and they will collect the filled bags to help feed families in need. These bags of food are delivered to a local food bank that serve your local community.

What If I Didn't Receive A Bag?

While they send out plastic bags to help as a reminder for this food drive if you didn't receive one, or want to donate more food than would fit in the one provided, don't worry. Basically it's just a plastic grocery bag anyway, so just grab some of those plastic bags and fill them up instead.

What Types Of Food Items Can Be Donated

They've asked for donations of non-perishable food. Please do not include items that have expired or are in glass containers.

Just think about what would be really appreciated by those in need of food donations. Some ideas that come to my mind include:
Participate in the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, to declutter your pantry and do good simultaneously {learn more on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest
  • Cereals, including hot cereals

  • Spices

  • Cooking oils

  • Staples, such as flour and sugar

  • Rice and dried pasta

  • Canned foods, including meats, vegetables, fruits, and soup

  • Dried fruit

  • Juice and other beverages

  • Coffee and tea

  • Peanut butter
There are so many possibilities for things to donate. Just make sure they are shelf-stable (not refrigerated or frozen) and the glass containers rule should not be ignored for this particular food drive. This is for the safety of
the mail carriers who will be transporting these items in their mail truck. We don't want those glass items to shatter!

And while I suggest you use this opportunity to declutter your pantry some, you certainly don't have to be limited only to items that your family don't want to eat.

Instead, this is an opportunity for you to send off to a good cause excess food from your stockpile that perhaps your family loves, but you just have a lot of, or even to just give some of your favorites that you'll just restock for yourself during your next trip to the grocery store, thinking of the appreciation hungry families will feel as your small donation can bless them.

What If My Community Does Not The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive?

list of what to donate to food pantries
Obviously not everyone in the world participates in this national food drive. But the idea is a good one that you can certainly implement on your own as well.

Even without this event, I encourage you to regularly look through your pantry and help out by donating to the food bank of your choice within your community. At the link I've provided a list of items that food pantries often need. Please note that this list is more inclusive than what is listed as acceptable for the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, since there are not the restrictions when you donate food yourself of what mail carriers themselves can carry.

In addition, everyone should do their own Eat Out Of The Pantry & Freezer Challenge to help clear out excess food from their pantry in some form or fashion, because it is better for someone to eat it than for it to get old and expire!

Below I've added some photos from readers who did participate in the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive or other food donation drives in the past to help them clean out their pantries and help others at the same time, to give you a bit of inspiration.

Make sure to participate in the Stamp Out Hunger food drive, to help you clear out a bit of pantry clutter while also helping those in need {information on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Top photo courtesy of Salvation Army USA West

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Donating Food Helps Others & You Too!

I hope you'll participate in this year's food drive, or donate food to the favorite charity of your choice this weekend.

Here's some pictures from readers who've already done this to get you inspired.

The picture above is from Elaine who says: "Already did this task! Three full bags to donate!"

decluttered pantry
This photo is from another reader, Karen, who says:

"I was inspired from one of your recent posts to declutter my pantry and store some of my perishables in containers.

I wanted to share my pantry design with you. My husband built my cabinets a few years back, and I have to say it is my favorite cabinet.

Two sets of shelves swing out on both sides to reveal a third set of shelves along the back. It truly holds a lot of foodstuffs.

Thank you for all the inspiration, as I try to make use of your ideas in my home."

Finally, here's a photo from Donna, who says: "I'm working diligently on mine!"

organizing pantry

Are You Ready To Declutter Your Home?

declutter 365
I hope seeing these pictures has inspired you to both declutter your pantry and help others less fortunate at the same time.

When you begin to declutter the feeling you get is contagious, so if you're loving the results you're getting I would encourage you to keep going.

I've got a whole series of 15 minute decluttering missions (eventually 365 of them!) that you can do.

Just pick and choose the ones you want to do, that will make a big impact in your home. But if you want someone else to tell you the order you can also grab the 15 minute daily decluttering mission calendars and follow along as we all get our homes clutter free together!

How and why to participate in the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive, while simultaneously clearing out some pantry clutter at the same time {a bonus #Declutter365 mission on Home Storage Solutions 101} #StampOutHunger #FoodDriveuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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Comments for Donating Food Helps Others & You Too!

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this food drive is important to the community
by: Susan Chavez

As a recent retired letter carrier from Englewood FL, I can tell you that the letter carrier "Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive" is very important to our community. Even though this is a tourist area and most of our snowbirds have gone back north, our residents are so generous that we collect a record amount of food. For the past month, we’ve even had an area in our lobby that any customers who are going north, can leave any extra food in a gurney. All the food collected goes to local food pantries. Thanks for talking about our food drive and all that you do with this site!

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