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Home Storage Solutions Blog:
The Latest Ideas, Tips & Best Products

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Welcome to the Home Storage Solutions Blog update page, which provides you with the latest updates and articles from this site, so you can always know "what's new" from me, Taylor.

This is where you can find the latest ideas, tips and the best products available to get your home organized and to help you find a place for everything in your home that matters.

FAQ: What Do I Do If A Declutter 365 Mission Takes Longer Than 15 Minutes?

FAQ: What Do I Do If A Declutter 365 Mission
Here's the answer to one of the most common questions of participants of the Declutter 365 missions, what to do when a mission takes longer than 15 minutes.

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Declutter Kitchen Table

Declutter Kitchen Table
This 15 minute mission is to declutter your kitchen table. I've included some tips and ideas for making this a habit plus a hall of fame for those who've completed the mission.

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Declutter Kitchen Counters

Declutter Kitchen Counters
This decluttering mission is simple, declutter your kitchen counters.

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Kitchen Sink Organization Ideas: Hall Of Fame

Kitchen Sink Organization Ideas
Here are several kitchen sink organization ideas used by readers who've done the kitchen organization challenge, making their sink area more functional and visually pleasing at the same time.

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How To Declutter Your Kitchen Sink Area

How To Declutter Your Kitchen Sink Area
This mission is to declutter your kitchen sink area, such as around the counter surrounding the sink and in the sink itself.

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Week #2 Organized Home Challenge Kitchen Drawers & Kitchen Cabinet Organization

Kitchen Drawers & Kitchen Cabinet Organization
This week's challenge is all about kitchen drawer and kitchen cabinet organization, where you will both declutter and organize things in a way where you can easily access what you need, when and where you need it.

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Week #1 Organized Home Challenge Kitchen Organization: Countertops & Sink

Kitchen Organization: Countertops & Sink
This week's challenge is all about kitchen organization, both overall and with specific emphasis on keeping your countertops and sink clear and clean.

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Free Printable 3 Day Emergency Supply List

Free Printable 3 Day Emergency Supply List
Here's a free printable emergency supply list, with a checklist of items necessary for an emergency preparedness kit for three days.

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How {And Why} To Replenish & Declutter Emergency Supplies

Replenish & Declutter Emergency Supplies
This mission is to replenish or declutter your emergency supplies that you've accumulated in previous years, such as if you've done the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge before, or have otherwise gathered up supplies in case of emergencies in the past.

Continue reading "How {And Why} To Replenish & Declutter Emergency Supplies"

Week #45 Organized Home Challenge Create An Emergency Preparedness Kit

Create An Emergency Preparedness Kit
In this week's challenge we'll make an emergency preparedness kit to make sure our family is secure in the case of a disaster or other emergency, plus do a few other safety related tasks around our homes as well.

Continue reading "Week #45 Organized Home Challenge Create An Emergency Preparedness Kit"

Top 13 Places To Donate Used Books

Places To Donate Used Books
When you're ready to donate used books as part of the decluttering process, here's the top 13 places to consider, with suggestions for textbooks, kids books, novels, and more.

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Holiday Decoration Storage Ideas

Holiday Decoration Storage Ideas
Below I've collected ideas for holiday decoration storage from readers who've sent in photos of what they do.

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Clutter Control Tips And Strategies

Clutter Control Tips And Strategies
Even after decluttering your home you've got to keep on top of stuff or it'll overrun you. Here are clutter control tips and strategies you can use starting today.

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Clutter Control Tips And Strategies

Clutter Control Tips And Strategies
Even after decluttering your home you've got to keep on top of stuff or it'll overrun you. Here are clutter control tips and strategies you can use starting today.

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How To Declutter Pillows

Declutter Pillows
This mission is to declutter pillows, including both the ones on your bed and any decorative pillows you have anywhere in your home.

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How To Declutter Sheets And Pillowcases

How To Declutter Sheets And Pillowcases
This mission is to declutter sheets and pillowcases in your home, as well as other bedding.

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How To Declutter Towels & Washcloths

How To Declutter Towels & Washcloths
This mission is to declutter towels and washcloths around your home, such as in your bathroom or linen closet.

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Ideas Where To Donate Prom Dresses & Other Formal Wear When Decluttering

Where To Donate Prom Dresses
Here are ideas for where to donate prom dresses and other types of formal wear that you've decided to declutter from your closet.

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How To Declutter Rugs & Floor Mats

How To Declutter Rugs & Floor Mats
This mission is to declutter rugs, and similar floor coverings, such as floor mats, throughout your home that you don't want or need anymore.

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Week #27 Organized Home Challenge: Organize Linen Closet Or Cabinet

Organize Linen Closet Or Cabinet
During this week's challenge we'll organize linen closet or cabinets, so you can easily find the items you need among your collection of fabrics items for use in and around your home.

Continue reading "Week #27 Organized Home Challenge: Organize Linen Closet Or Cabinet"

How To Get Rid Of Charger, Cable & Cord Clutter

Charger, Cable & Cord Clutter
This mission is to declutter chargers, cables and cords around your home to get rid of excess ones that you no longer want or use.

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Free Printable Home Office Supplies List

Free Printable Home Office Supplies List
Here's a free printable home office supplies list you can use to make sure you've properly stocked your home office and have all the essential supplies available when you need them.

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Electronics Disposal Guide: Best Ways To Donate, Sell And/Or Recycle When Decluttering

Electronics Disposal Guide
Here is an electronics disposal guide which provides the best ways to donate, sell and/or recycle or dispose of items such as computers, monitors, TVs, cell and smart phones, video gaming systems, and more when decluttering.

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Free Printable Summer Decluttering Checklist

Summer Decluttering Checklist
Here is a free printable summer decluttering checklist that you can use to get rid of clutter around your home when summer begins.

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How To Clean Your Desk Clutter & Make It A Habit

Clean Your Desk Clutter
This declutter mission is to clean your desk of clutter, and then to begin the process of making it a habit to clear off your desk top regularly.

Continue reading "How To Clean Your Desk Clutter & Make It A Habit"

How To Declutter Desk Drawers In Your Home Office

Declutter Desk Drawers
This mission is to declutter your home office desk drawers, removing whatever type of clutter you may have in them.

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Declutter Pens And Pencils

Declutter Pens And Pencils
This decluttering mission is to declutter pencils and pens.

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Week #23 Organized Home Challenge Home Office Organization

Home Office Organization
In this week's Home Office Organization Challenge I give step by step instructions for getting this area of your home organized so you can get your household paperwork done efficiently, and without the need to search everywhere for what you need.

Continue reading "Week #23 Organized Home Challenge Home Office Organization"

Top 10 Ways Organizing & Decluttering Your Home Saves You Money

Decluttering Your Home Saves You Money
Organizing and decluttering your home has many benefits, and one that may not, at first, seem obvious, but is definitely true, is that it will save you money.

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Create A File Index And Never Make Duplicate Files Again

Create A File Index
This 15 minute mission is to create a file index. This really is something that shouldn't take you very long, but it will save you lots of headaches and time creating and maintaining your home filing system.

Continue reading "Create A File Index And Never Make Duplicate Files Again"

How To Create A Vital Records File {Plus 3 Ways To Keep Important Documents Safe}

Vital Records File
Here are instructions for how to create a vital records file, including what documents to include in it, and then a discussion of the pros and cons of three ways to keep important documents like these safe.

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Suggested Home File Categories For Organized Filing System

Suggested Home File Categories
Setting up a home filing system to get your papers organized doesn't have to be difficult when you use these suggest home file categories. This list will help you make sure you've got all the files set up you'll need.

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How {And Why} To Declutter Files From File Cabinet Annually

How {And Why} To Declutter Files
This mission, as part of the Declutter 365 missions, is to declutter files from your file cabinet, and make it an annual occurrence.

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Home Filing Tips 101: Simple Ways To Make Filing Easier So You'll Do It

Simple Ways To Make Filing Easier
Here are filing tips for your home filing system so that this chore becomes easier, and therefore you're more likely to do it regularly as needed.

Continue reading "Home Filing Tips 101: Simple Ways To Make Filing Easier So You'll Do It"

Declutter Spring Decorations

Declutter Spring Decorations
This mission is to declutter spring decorations, of whatever variety you have, from Easter or spring wreaths, table decorations, door decor, centerpieces, or other knick knacks.

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Get Rid Of Kids Clutter Hall Of Fame

Get Rid Of Kids Clutter
Below is a list of kids clutter items to consider getting rid of. In addition, there's a hall of fame where you can share your own success or get inspired by what others have accomplished.

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How To Create A Tax Organizer For This Year's Tax Documents

How To Create A Tax Organizer
This Declutter 365 mission is to create a tax organizer for the current year's tax documents, so all your paperwork is organized and ready when it's time to do your taxes

Continue reading "How To Create A Tax Organizer For This Year's Tax Documents"

Week #20 Organized Home Challenge How To Organize Files In Your Home

How To Organize Files In Your Home
In this week's challenge we'll tackle how to organize files in your home so you can find the paper and documents you need, when you need them, without having to spend all your time filing.

Continue reading "Week #20 Organized Home Challenge How To Organize Files In Your Home"

Tips For Getting Rid Of Filing & Paper Clutter

 Paper Clutter
Here is a checklist of paper clutter items to consider getting rid of, plus a round up of Declutter 365 missions and articles to help you accomplish these tasks.

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Keep Tax Records In One Filing Location {Plus When To Discard Old Returns}

Keep Tax Records
This mission is to keep tax records in one filing location, plus to declutter extremely old tax returns that you don't need to keep anymore.

Continue reading "Keep Tax Records In One Filing Location {Plus When To Discard Old Returns}"

How To Use A Receipt Organizer To Keep Paper Clutter At Bay

Receipt Organizer
This mission is to create or begin to use a receipt organizer as part of your daily life, to keep receipt paper clutter at bay from now on.

Continue reading "How To Use A Receipt Organizer To Keep Paper Clutter At Bay"

Where To Order Checks To Save Money & For Convenience

Where To Order Checks
Here is where to order checks for personal use or business, and how it saves you money and is really easy to order online.

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Decluttering & Shredding Paper Piles

Decluttering & Shredding Paper Piles
This mission is all about decluttering and shredding paper piles.

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How To Declutter & Organize Receipts

Declutter & Organize Receipts
This mission is to declutter old receipts, and then organize the receipts you keep after decluttering.

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Week #19 Organized Home Challenge Create Personal Tax Organizer System & Organize Receipts

Tax Organizer System
In this week's challenge you'll take the steps to create a personal tax organizer system, and to organize receipts, to make tax time as simple as possible.

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Clutter Busters: 6 Emotions Chaining You To Clutter & How To Break Free

Clutter Busters
Lots of us want to be clutter busters, but we've got emotional issues with our stuff hindering us from decluttering.

Continue reading "Clutter Busters: 6 Emotions Chaining You To Clutter & How To Break Free"

How {And Why} To Use Paper Shredding Services When Decluttering Lots Of Paper

Paper Shredding Services
When you've got a lot of paper to declutter from your home here's why you should use document or paper shredding services instead of trying to shred it all yourself.

Continue reading "How {And Why} To Use Paper Shredding Services When Decluttering Lots Of Paper"

Stamp Out Hunger & Declutter Your Pantry Simultaneously

Stamp Out Hunger
Today I've got a bonus declutter mission for you, which is to participate in the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, which takes place nationwide in the United States, and declutter non-perishable items in your pantry.

Continue reading "Stamp Out Hunger & Declutter Your Pantry Simultaneously"

How To Organize Bills Once They've Been Paid

How To Organize Bills
This mission is to organize your paid bill stubs or statements. There are some times when you might, for a while, hold onto these statements, so here's how to organize bills quickly and efficiently for the slim chance you'll need them later, before you shred the statements.

Continue reading "How To Organize Bills Once They've Been Paid"

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Join the Home Storage Solutions 101 newsletter, and get as your free gift the 2025 Declutter 365 Calendar (a $20 value) from me, Taylor, your decluttering and organizing guide.

When you work through the Declutter 365 missions, and accompanying 52 Week Organized Home Challenges, you'll be able to declutter your home one mission at a time, organize what's left, and learn the skills, habits and routines to maintain your space from now on.

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I would love to hear from you, sharing your thoughts, questions, or ideas about this topic, so leave me a comment below. I try to always respond back!

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