Get 33 digital decluttering checklists for $1 each or printed checklists for $2 each during this flash sale celebration

Free Taking Care Of Self Ebook
Create A Self Care Plan For Greater Happiness In Your Life

The principle of "taking care of self" is such an important principle for a balanced, happy, peaceful and healthy life.

Free ebook about taking care of yourself, for greater peace, health and happiness, called Creating a Self-Care Plan (available exclusively on Home Storage Solutions 101)use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

As part of the week of giveaways here on Home Storage Solutions 101, you can download this free ebook written by my friend Susan Mathews to help you learn how to create a self care plan for yourself.

More About The Taking Care Of Self Ebook And Susan Matthews, Author

Susan Mathews is a friend of mine, and also the author of Once you meet Susan in person, or hear her caring voice (such as in her blog talk radio show) you know she's the real deal. She cares deeply about helping others find their own inner happiness and peace.

When I told her I was having this giveaway she was anxious to contribute, and we discussed what would be most useful for everyone. I've heard from many of you, sharing how many things are on your plates, with work, family, your home, etc., and you're VERY busy.

We both immediately thought about the principle of taking care of self, for your mind, body and soul. That's what spawned this ebook that she's written especially for Home Storage Solutions 101 readers.

Here's what she says within the book about why taking care of yourself should be high on your list of priorities:

I may not even know you but I know this: whoever you are, wherever you are, you DESERVE to give yourself the gift of taking really, really good care of yourself. With that said, it honestly doesn't matter if I KNOW you deserve it. YOU need to believe that you do.

We work hard to manage and organize our busy lives and yet Self-Care often gets pushed to the bottom of our list when in fact, it should be at the top. When you make taking good care of yourself a priority, not only will you feel happier, you will also have more energy to do the things that you want and need to do.

In this ebook Susan goes more in depth into the various aspects of the taking care of self principle, including what she calls the five core areas of self-care, including mental, physical, spiritual, emotional well-being and fun.

In addition, she tells you how to create your own self-care plan in five steps.

Free ebook about taking care of yourself, for greater peace, health and happiness, called Creating a Self-Care Plan (available exclusively on Home Storage Solutions 101)use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Click here to download your free self-care plan ebook

Be Sure To Enter Even More How To Organize Your Life Giveaways! {Now Closed}

how to organize your life giveaway

If you've enjoyed this giveaway, please make sure to check out what else I've got in store for the How To Organize Your Life Week of Giveaways, celebrating 25,000+ newsletter subscribers.

I've got 16 different giveaways coming, over the course of the week, including several absolutely free gifts everyone can receive!

Click here for the full list of giveaways and free resources.

In addition, I would appreciate you sharing this page with your friends and family, such as with the social media buttons below, or otherwise, to tell them about this free ebook providing a plan for taking care of self, mind and soul.

Finally, if you're interested in why so many people have subscribed to my newsletter, check out the 52 Weeks to an Organized Home Challenge, which we've all been enjoying doing together. I'd love for you to join us, if you aren't already a newsletter subscriber!

Click to find out more about these 33 printable decluttering checklists for your entire home, currently on flash sale

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Join the Home Storage Solutions 101 newsletter, and get as your free gift the 2025 Declutter 365 Calendar (a $20 value) from me, Taylor, your decluttering and organizing guide.

When you work through the Declutter 365 missions, and accompanying 52 Week Organized Home Challenges, you'll be able to declutter your home one mission at a time, organize what's left, and learn the skills, habits and routines to maintain your space from now on.

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