Under Kitchen Sink Cabinet Organization Hall Of Fame

The area under your kitchen sink cabinet can be a vast wasteland of cleaning products, supplies, and other stuff (like the picture above), or it can be organized and uncluttered.
One of the parts of the Week # 2 challenge for the 52 Weeks to an Organized Home series was to organize under our kitchen sinks so they were uncluttered and functional again.
Many people took up the challenge, and what follows are before and after pictures readers have submitted sharing how they organized this area in their kitchen.
But remember, before they organized they decluttered. So if you have a lot of clutter underneath your sink now, make sure to also check out the
declutter under your kitchen sink article, which provides more tips and ideas for dealing with this problem, so you're only organizing stuff you'll use, not clutter.
I hope these pictures inspire you (scroll down to see them). If they do, I would love it if you shared your own pictures in the
Creative Storage Solutions and Home Organization Hall of Fame.
You can also read the entire
Kitchen Cabinet Organization Challenge here.
Things To Consider When Undertaking This Organization Project
Before looking at the ideas below for inspiration though, make sure to keep these two things in mind.
Child Safety Is Important To Remember
This is often a very accessible area for your kids, and often there are some dangerous chemicals kept here (such as cleaning products).
If you want to store things under this area like that make sure to use appropriate child safety latches and locks to keep little children out.
Leaks Happen: Ideally You Can Remove Everything From The Area Quickly
A reader, Christine, brought up this point, and I thought it was worth repeating. She said:
"As a contractor's wife, I've been educated that under the sink must be set up to quickly empty, everything in tubs/trays/baskets that protect items from leaks.
He thinks it should be empty actually -- says there's too much going on in there (drain, P-trap, water lines, garbage disposal, water purifier perhaps, etc.)"
I personally think this is a great storage area -- handy and definitely should be utilized, but Christine (and her husband) have a point. So before you begin organizing think about how you'll get stuff out of there in a hurry if the water pipe leaks, or the garbage disposal needs to be worked on.

Top photo by Keith Williamson
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Added Additional Storage On Doors With Mesh Pocket Bags
by Aimee
Aimee sent in a picture from underneath her kitchen sink on the Household Management 101 Facebook page.
It looks absolutely wonderful.
I especially like how she added additional storage and organization with the mesh pocket bags she's hung up on the inside of the cabinet doors with hooks.
She explained that she bought those storage pocket bags at Dollar General. They were too long when she bought them for the cabinet doors, but she cut them off to fit.
I've found something similar on Amazon (see picture on the right) which is technically designed for the shower, but looks like it would work here as well although it might be too long or need to be cut, just as Aimee had to do.
***Update: I featured this on the Facebook page and got this comment from a reader which I thought was relevant:
Tina says: I think it is a neat idea but you have to be careful not to put too much weight on the doors; definitely only use this for lightweight items.
Good point Tina! ***End Update
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After Picture Under Sink From Amy
by Amy
Amy from Amy's Corner shared an after picture of this area of her kitchen.
It looks wonderful, and I like how she used a hanging organizer on the inside of the door for some extra storage space.
Similarly, you can also add command hooks to the inside of the doors to hang things like cleaning tools or whatever else you need to store there. Here's an example from another reader, Debra.
Debra said: "The top drawer has my
dish cloths and towels and the bottom is garbage bags and extra sponges etc. You can't see it in the picture but I have a tension rod to hold my spray bottles and on the door are command hooks for my duster and lint roller as well as my paper towel."
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Adding Rolling Tiered Baskets Transforms The Space Under The Sink
by Jan @ The Crafty Mermaid's Grotto
I'm featuring Jan at
The Crafty Mermaid's Grotto in another section of hall of fame, to celebrate all the great organizing she did in her kitchen cabinets.
However, I just had to also showcase her awesome under the sink transformation she accomplished since it looked so good. She just decluttered a bit, and also added this three tiered rolling drawer organizer which she had previously used elsewhere in her kitchen cabinets and voila, a totally transformed area!
I found a similar organizer on Amazon (see the picture to the right), although it has only two tiers instead of three. I think it could work really well in a lot of under sink spaces though! Thanks for the inspiration Jan!
In addition, here's another photo from another reader, Joan. She said, "My daughter won this at school? Love it! Don't forget the fire extinguisher tucked behind the center cabinet!"
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Transformed The Space With Under Sink Shelf
by Lee-Anne
Lee-Anne from
Life In A Peanut Free Shell showed quite a few pictures of the transformation of the storage area under her kitchen sink after tackling this week's challenge.
She said of the before pictures: "Under the sink was a nightmare. Not only was there a ton of piping, but it also went all the way back into the corner – such wasted space. We stuck our deep fryer back there when we moved in 2.5 years ago and it hasn’t seen the light of day since!"
Then, she explained about the after pictures: "I bought an under-sink shelf but when I got home I realized that the pipes were in the way! Hubby took a hacksaw to it in order for it to fit. It works great!"
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Put Many Cleaning Supplies In Caddy To Help Organize
Tina shared before and after pictures of this area.
The main difference was the addition of a cleaning caddy to hold many of her cleaning supplies.
If you use these supplies throughout your home, not just in kitchen this can make your life a lot easier, so you can carry them where you need them to be when you're using them.
You can check out more ideas for organizing cleaning supplies here, plus the Challenge for creating a household cleaning schedule.
In addition, here's another photo from a reader, Roberta, who used a similar concept to organize under her own sink. She explained, "Pulled everything out and thoroughly cleaned space. Got rid of a few items I never use. Was going to use the tension rod idea, but after I decluttered, I didn't need it. (Great idea, by the way) Everything in containers for easy evacuation. Mission accomplished."
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Tricky Under Sink Area Tamed
by Bev
Bev shared her before and after pictures on the
Household Management 101's Facebook page, which is a sister site to this one.
She explained, "I have a tricky under sink area, but found an easy solution to my wraps all sat on top of the drawers."
Further, she said, "I bought one of those 5 drawer plastic units for my child to keep paper and other crafty bits in. The kids are 19 now so I click clacked it down to fit under the sink. On top there's enough room for all wraps to sit. Happy with that!"
Thanks for the pictures Bev! You did a wonderful job.
If you'd like to see even more ideas for
kitchen wrap organization click here.
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Tackled Under The Kitchen Sink Today!
by Divinity Pagel
Cute Bottles
Thank you so much for all your inspiration! I tackled under the kitchen sink today.
I have the before, after and also a close-up of the cleaning bottles I made.
They are much cuter than the boring store bought ones. Happy Decluttering!
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Use A Tension Rod Under The Sink To Hang Spray Bottles Of Cleaners
After - notice the tension rod
Kathleen from Life With the Z's was featured last week for clearing her counters and her sink.
However, she also worked last week on organizing underneath her sink, and so I wanted to feature those pictures as a part of this week's challenge hall of fame which included under kitchen sink cabinet organization.
I love how she used a tension rod to create a place to hang her cleaning supplies spray bottles, which helped her clear some space on the floor of the cabinet for other supplies.
She also has cleaning caddies, which is a great thing under your sink.
Finally, I applaud that she's got a fire extinguisher in a prominent and easy place to reach in her kitchen. This is a must for all kitchens! You can learn even more about fire extinguisher placement guidelines here to make sure you place an extinguisher in all the right places in your home.
You can also click here to read an article, and see a how to video, about how to use a fire extinguisher, and how to remember how to do it using the acronym PASS.
Here's another photo, from a reader, Pam, who also used a tension rod in this way. She said, "I dreaded this. It was a dark and scary mess under there. But I pulled it all out, scrubbed the floor and sides, and threw away a pile of ruined damp old stuff. Then organized the rest with a couple of containers for sponges and cleansers, an over the door holder for dishwasher stuff, and a tension rod for spray bottles. Hung my little and most-used cutting board on inside of cabinet with a command strip hook. Big cutting board is just right there too, slid in sideways."

More Home Storage Solutions
I hope you enjoyed these ideas for organizing under your kitchen sink.
There are even more ideas for storage and organizing on the site in the
{A-Z} Storage Solutions & Ideas round up page. Go check it out if you'd like to see even more ideas.
In addition, if these ideas have inspired you to organize even more things in your kitchen make sure to read the
Kitchen Cabinet & Drawer Organization Challenge, which is part of the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge I run on the site!

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