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BillTracker App Review: For iPhone Only

by Tamara
(Mobile, AL)

Tamara shared this quick review of BillTracker, an app available currently only for iPhone. The paid version costs $2.99.

Tamara says:

This app is a great way to see what bills are due, add recurring bills, and post payments made on your accounts.

They do have a free version (Bill Tracker Lite), but the $2.99 is WELL worth the money so you don't have to add in the bills each month and you can set up recurring payments.

I also add in my paychecks as $0 due so I can tell which bill needs to be paid with each check and it won't affect my monthly bill total.

Then, when I click to add payment, I put in the amount I was paid so I can keep it as accurate as possible.

Taylor says:

Thanks so much Tamara for sharing this review. This sounds basically like an electronic version of the monthly bill organizer worksheet I've got on the site. This wouldn't have to be filled in each month though, since like you said, it has a way to add recurring payments.

best apps for organizing and home management
For those who tend to forget the due dates for bills, and therefore consistently seem to be paying late fees, this app (or something similar) could be helpful because it has a couple of ways to set up due date reminders.

How To Get The App

You can get this app through the Apple app store through my referral links:
Has anyone else tried this app, or another way to organize and track your bills? If so, I'd love to hear what you use and why, and what you liked, or didn't, about it.

You can share your reviews in the Home Organization app store and I'll add them to the site.

Review of the Billtracker app for iPhone which allows you to track your bills due dates so you can always know what bills to pay next and their due dates, to help you with your finances {on Home Storage Solutions 101} #BillApp #FinancialApp #AppReviewuse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Review of the Billtracker app for iPhone which allows you to track your bills due dates so you can always know what bills to pay next and their due dates, to help you with your finances {on Home Storage Solutions 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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Comments for BillTracker App Review: For iPhone Only

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love it
by: Tabitha

I use it & love it.

Lite version works just as well
by: Colleen

BillTrackerLite is the same thing, with ads, but doesn't cost anything. It works just the same and I love it!

alternate for Android users
by: Taryn

Mo Bill for Android works same way as one mentioned.

big help
by: Bec

I've used it for the last 12 months and love it! It's really been a big help with our finances.

No more late fees for me!!
by: Anonymous

Been using this app since August 2010 -- well worth the $1.99. The app pays for itself since I do not miss payments anymore. Tried paper and ticklers before -- didn't work for me. My phone is always with me and it gives me notification when bills are becoming due. Truly 5 stars. Highly recommended!!!

The other app from the same developer (SnapTap) is DebtTracker -- unfortunately they do not update it anymore.

it keeps me timely
by: Pam W

I use the paid version as well and love it. It organizes the bills based on the date due, it allows me to show those that are automatically deducted. I can view between the pay periods to make sure I get the bills that fall in-between my pay periods. I also receive notifications on my phone saying this bill is due. I also like the fact that I can put all the info on the account, name, number, and a notes area. It has made bill paying much easier.

I use quicken
by: Anonymous

I use the bill minder part of quicken. It's true as someone commented that quicken can seem very complicated. I just use it to pay bills and keep track of what's in the credit union. The credit card transaction download is handy. I've found the budgeting and investment functions a bit too complicated for my needs, but as a bill minder and money tracker, it works well.

by: Libs

Thank you Taryn

definitely the best money I've spent on an app
by: Ren

I've been using this app for well over a year and it's the best money I've ever spent on an app! I get all my bills paid on time, and can plan my budget now. That's reduced my anxiety tremendously. Everything is easy to add and recurring bills are a snap. You can add them on a fixed date or fixed cycle. One of my favorite features is that it will tell you how much you will spend on the next week, two weeks, and 30 days, so I can plan when to make bigger purchases.

App Price increase
by: Sandra

I have yet to use this app but was checking it out because of the reviews here and noticed that the price for this app is now 2.99 USD. It could possibly be because of the apple watch app. But just thought I would let the readers know about the price increase - March 16, 2016

Just a Tracker?
by: Susan

Is this just a tracker or a budgeting app? I use a great budgeting app on my road to being debt free so not sure if this would be beneficial?

Bill organizer
by: Anonymous

I love the app for iPhones. I like to be hands on each month to make sure I don’t miss something. Most are auto pay. Truck payment I like to pay within the first week of the month even though it’s not due until later in the month. I also pay credit cards off at the end of billing cycle. Which if I haven’t used recently I pay off sooner. I guess that’s why hands on works better for me. Thank you for printable.
Everyone has their own way of doing tasks which is easier for them.

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