Declutter Top Of Dresser: 15 Minute Mission

Today's decluttering mission is to declutter the top of your dresser.
We'll do inside the dresser drawers as a separate mission another day (you can
click here to read that mission now, about decluttering clothes from these drawers).
Today though, just clear off the top of your dresser so stuff that shouldn't be there is gone.
It's a flat surface and for many people that means it's a magnet for items that you'll "just put down for a minute," and then hours, days, gasp . . . months later those things are still there!
So, today's the day to see the top of this surface again. It would be a good time to dust as well if it's been a while. Ready, set, go!
You can get more information on
how to declutter flat surfaces and then keep them that way here.
Bonus points if you tell me what types of items seem to accumulate on top of your dresser.
Plus, I'd love to hear what you think should stay there most of the time. After all you don't have to have the top completely cleared off.
You might like to have something decorative, for example, but I tend to think it's more calming to have some clear surfaces, especially in your bedroom, so if you feel the same really get ruthless with clearing the area.
Top photo courtesy of Tex
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What Kinds Of Things Do You Keep On Top Of Your Dresser?
The photo above is from a reader, Jessica. She explained, about the top of this piece of furniture, "My issue is this. Lol, don't judge me. Lotions, meds I take every morning, perfumes, body sprays, etc."
That sentiment was echoed by many readers who've taken on this challenge.
Examples Of Common Types Of Clutter On Many People's Dressers
Here are some common types of items that seem to end up on this flat surface. The trend is that often the dresser becomes a catch all when you don't have a real home for certain things as you undress, or walk into the room with the item in your hands:
The thing to remember, though, is that a mostly clear and clutter free surface is really so much more calming and relaxing, and ultimately that is one of the purposes of your bedroom. To be a place for you to rest and relax.
So as you remove items from this surface take some time and think about where its home is. If you don't have a convenient place for it, perhaps make one.
So, for example, if you always have change in your pocket each night that lands on the dresser, perhaps put a little bank on your dresser that you use to collect your change and then treat yourself or the family to something when it gets full.
It doesn't have to be difficult or hard to be effective!
Potential Items You Might Want To Keep On Your Dresser Even After Decluttering
Of course, like I said, you don't have to keep the flat surface completely clear. Many people find this to be too sterile.
Here are ideas of what could be appropriate to keep there. It all depends on how much you want there, and how much room you've got. Only you know what will work best for yourself.
- Small jewelry box, or holder for other accessories
- Framed picture of family or friends
- Decorative knick knacks (within reason) such as a candle, artwork, lamps, etc.
- Alarm clock, remote controls, or other items just like you might find on a nightstand, if your dresser does double duty for this function as well
Whatever you keep on your dresser top, make sure that you regularly remove items that don't belong, and that should be put away, to keep the space clutter free.
You can do this tidying up as part of a daily routine. Find out more about
how and why to adopt a daily tidy up routine here.
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You Can Do This Mission! Just Look At These Great Results For Inspiration
The pictures above are from a reader, Amanda, who took on this mission and produced some great results quickly.
She said, though, of the after picture, "Now I just have to deal with the junk."
Yeah, unfortunately you do, otherwise you've just shuffled your clutter around. Like I said though, take a few minutes and try to make homes for the obvious items that seem to take up residence over and over again on your dresser top, and keeping it clear from now on will be much easier.

Here's some more before and after photos that have been sent in from readers:

The before and after photos shown above are from a reader, Michelle. She said, "Whoooo hooo! I said a prayer and asked to being given desire and direction clearing off the surface clutter in my master bedroom! 30 min later- 4 of the 5 surfaces are completed!!! Thank You Lord! And Thank You Ladies for giving me a place to show my progress!!! 😍"

These before and after photos, above, are from Caryn. She said, "I got inspired by the idea of decluttering my dresser." She continued, discussing the after photo, "I love it and there are some family treasures that were my mothers and grandmothers, so I'm pleased to have it look so good now. Must work on keeping it that way."
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Uncluttered Dresser: Doesn't It Look Peaceful?
Here's quite a few more pictures from readers who've taken on this mission to provide you with some inspiration.
This first one, above, is from Melissa, who keeps her chest of drawers clutter free most of the time. Way to go Melissa!
Here's another below, from Katherine.

In addition, here's one from Carol. She said, "We remodeled our bedroom in spring!!! This is ours now!!! I love it!! I make my fiancé keep everything off!!! The only thing is this decoration I received from my future step-daughter...our bedroom is Paris theme!"

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Just Removing A Few Things Makes A Difference!
Here's some before and after photos from a reader, Kimberley, shown above.
Just removing those few pieces of clutter can make such a visual difference.
Great job Kimberley!

Here's another before and after, from Sabrina, above. Just like with Kimberly, these photos from Sabrina show that while this mission doesn't take too much time, and just requires you to remove some items, it really does change the look of the space completely!
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Thanks For These Quick Missions!
by Eva
Finally, here's before and after pictures from Eva. She said, "Hubs will be so pleased with me. Thank you Home Storage Solutions 101 for your quick missions!"
Want To Do More Decluttering Missions? Get Started With Declutter 365 Today!

Once you declutter one type of item in your home I bet you'll want to declutter some more. After all, decluttering gives you a great reward for even a small investment of time and energy.
The Declutter 365 system is designed to help you declutter, over the course of a year, your entire house, with just 15 minutes of decluttering each day!
Hundreds of thousands of people use this proven system to get rid of their clutter, and bring peace and calm back to their homes.
Declutter 365 works to guide you to clear the clutter without overwhelm, focusing on just one small area at a time, and without making a huge mess in the process, so you see consistent forward progress without all that "messy middle" that makes it even harder to function in your home than before you started.
In addition to building a daily decluttering habit, the Declutter 365 program, along with the accompanying 52 Week Organized Home Challenge, teaches you the skills, habits, routines, and mindsets necessary to maintain the clutter free and organized state of your home from now on, so it'll never be as messy and cluttered as it is right now, ever again.
If you haven't already, make sure to get your copy of this year's Declutter 365 annual calendar here (it's FREE!), find today's date, and do 15 minutes of decluttering on the day's mission. Then, repeat again tomorrow, and again and again. Over the course of the next year, if you do this 15 minutes per day, you'll declutter your whole house!
Get This Bedroom Decluttering Checklist + 32 Other Decluttering Checklists For Your Home
Right now you're decluttering bedrooms, and the items they contain, and there's a lot of stuff to declutter in these spaces of your home.
Get your 1 page bedroom decluttering checklist, plus 32 other decluttering checklists, to help you declutter your entire home here.
I've done the hard work of breaking down these tasks into smaller more manageable steps for you, so you don't get overwhelmed or worry you're forgetting a task, and you can go at the pace you want, whether that's fast or slow.
In addition, you can tackle these decluttering tasks in whatever order you want when you use these checklists!
Once you've cleared off the top of your dresser, why not also declutter inside the dresser drawers! You can find out more about the
declutter dresser drawers mission here.

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