Get 33 digital decluttering checklists for $1 each or printed checklists for $2 each during this flash sale celebration

Getting Rid Of Entertainment & Media Clutter Hall Of Fame

Below is a list of entertainment and media clutter items to consider getting rid of. In addition, there's a hall of fame where you can share your own success or get inspired by what others have accomplished.

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Entertainment is all supposed to be about fun and relaxing, but it can't be when there is so much clutter around.

Often this extra stuff gets in the way of our enjoyment because we can't find what we actually want, or spend too long sorting around the stuff we don't care about anymore.

There are several challenges within the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge that deal with these areas of our homes that I encourage you to read:

I've also created quite a few decluttering missions that accompany these challenges, to help you get this area of your home more manageable.

Whether you've done these missions when I've scheduled them during the year, or any other time doesn't really matter to me. I just want to celebrate your success, so here's your chance to show off some before and after pictures when you've done one of the missions. If you're ready to share now click here to begin!

Decluttering Missions For Media & Entertainment Areas

The decluttering missions for these types of items in your home include:

  • Entertainment center
  • Corral the remote controls so you can always find them
  • Create charger station for portable electronics
  • Properly store tablets and smart phones so don't get damaged
  • Music collection (including CDs, taps, MP3s, etc.)
  • Computer CDs
  • DVDs, Bluerays and video tapes
  • Kids' DVDs, video tapes and CDs
  • Gather all family videos, DVDs, etc. into one central location
  • CDs and DVDs in vehicles
  • Video games
  • Gather loose photos and negatives from around the house
  • Clear space to store photos safely together
  • Sort photos, getting rid of duplicates and bad ones
  • Burn digital photos onto CDs as backup (or otherwise back up onto cloud, etc.)
  • Books
  • Kids' books and coloring books
  • Create area to hold checked out library books (and other library checkouts like videos, CDs, etc.)
  • Magazines (ideas for places to donate them here)
  • Newspapers
  • Catalogs
  • Create files for inspiration projects from magazines and catalogs (or use Pinterest!)

Media & Entertainment Clutter Hall Of Fame

Below are the hall of fame submissions I've already received.

If you're ready now you can click here to skip down and share your accomplishments now.

Declutter Books
Declutter Bookcases
kids books
Declutter Kids Books

Declutter Magazines
Donate Magazines
Recycle & Declutter Newspapers

Uses For Newspapers
entertainment center
Declutter Entertainment Center
Declutter Music Collection

Declutter Movie Collection
Tardis DVD storage idea
Tardis DVD Storage Ideas
video games
Declutter Video Games & Electronic Toys

remote control
Remote Control Organizer Ideas
Storing Pictures & Photos
photo album
Choosing Best Photo Album

Gather Loose Photographs
How To Organize Photos By Setting Up Routine
digital photos
Declutter Digital Photos

photography and video equipment
Declutter Photography & Video Equipment
delete apps and digital clutter from smart phones and tablets
Declutter Smart Phones & Tablets
charging station organizer
Charging Station Organizer Ideas

Evernote App Reviews: Make Digital Records -- Not Paper
Kindle reader
How To Read Kindle Books Without A Kindle
Kindle Unlimited
Kindle Unlimited Review

Electronics Disposal Guide
Declutter Cookbooks
Organizing Cookbooks

More Resources To Declutter Your Entire Home

Clutter rarely just accumulates in one area of your home, but instead with time can overfill your entire home.

Follow the Declutter 365 plan to get your whole house decluttered, one small step at a time, over the course of the year, and see fantastic results that you can maintain year after year!

Start with my free gift to you, a 12 month declutter calendar (a $20 value), which lists 365 different decluttering missions that will transform your whole house.

The step by step plan laid out in the calendar will guide you through the process of removing physical clutter, digital clutter and even set up foundational routines and habits for your home, to make it clutter free and organized from now on.

Free printable 2024 Declutter 365 calendar {on Home Storage Solutions 101}

You can also get additional services to help you succeed with the Declutter 365 plan, including receiving daily text messages about each day's mission, planner stickers, and joining a private and exclusive Facebook group devoted to helping encourage and motivate you as you work through the daily and weekly tasks.

You can learn more about Declutter 365 products here.

Declutter 365 products to help you declutter your home over the course of this year

Have You Gotten Rid Of Media Or Entertainment Types Of Clutter?

Have you participated in one of the Declutter Your Home In 15 Minutes A Day Missions, either while it was running for the day or when it was convenient for you?

Are you proud of your accomplishments and want to show the world what you decluttered today, and are getting out of your home?

Here's your chance to tell me about it. Pictures are highly encouraged, but you can also just write a description of what you decluttered too (note you've got to at least explain what we're seeing in the picture you upload).

You can send up to four pictures in each submission.

Get Rid Of Entertainment & Media Clutter Hall Of Fame

Here are the Hall of Fame submissions that have already been submitted.

Check these out to get inspired about what others have accomplished with the power of 15 minutes a day.

How To Declutter Movies & Videos 
Today's mission is to declutter your movie and video collection, in whatever form it might be in, such as DVDs, Blu-ray, VHS tapes, or digital copies. …

How To Declutter Your Entertainment Center 
Today's mission is to declutter your entertainment center and/or whatever room you keep much of your media and games in. This mission is designed …

How To Declutter Bookcases & Bookshelves 
Today's mission is to declutter bookcases and bookshelves throughout your home, of books or whatever else you have stored on them. This mission …

First Step To Organize Photographs: Gather Loose Ones Into Central Location 
Today's mission is the first step you'll need to take to organize photographs in your home, and that is to gather loose photos and negatives into …

How To Declutter Digital Photos 
Today's mission is to declutter digital photos, so in this situation declutter means delete. This mission is designed to be done while we're …

How To Declutter Your Music Collection: CDs, Cassettes, Records & More 
Today's mission is to declutter your music collection in whatever form it takes, be that CDs, cassettes, vinyl records, MP3s, and more. This …

Remote Control Organizer Ideas & Solutions 
Here's quite a few remote control organizer ideas and solutions you can use to keep track of your remotes, so you don't have to constantly search …

Tardis DVD Storage Ideas For Doctor Who Fans 
Do you love Doctor Who, and also love to collect DVDs and movies? If so, I received these really awesome photos from a reader, Karen Allgeier who …

How To Declutter Magazines 
Today's decluttering mission is to declutter magazines. This mission is designed to be done while working on the Organizing Magazines, …

Tips For Newspaper Recycling & Decluttering 
Newspaper recycling and decluttering is today's 15 minute mission. This mission is designed to be done in conjunction with the Organizing …

How To Get Rid Of Book Clutter 
Today's mission is to get rid of your book clutter. Normally I have these as fifteen minute missions but this is one where, depending on the number …

Click here to write your own.

Click to find out more about these 33 printable decluttering checklists for your entire home, currently on flash sale

Get Decluttering & Organizing Tips Newsletter


Join the Home Storage Solutions 101 newsletter, and get as your free gift the 2025 Declutter 365 Calendar (a $20 value) from me, Taylor, your decluttering and organizing guide.

When you work through the Declutter 365 missions, and accompanying 52 Week Organized Home Challenges, you'll be able to declutter your home one mission at a time, organize what's left, and learn the skills, habits and routines to maintain your space from now on.

* indicates required

Share Your Comments, Tips & Ideas

I would love to hear from you, sharing your thoughts, questions, or ideas about this topic, so leave me a comment below. I try to always respond back!

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